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pipboy screen glare


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Heyas Frostbyte. From what I can see of the pic, the background image either isn't set for enough transparency, or there's too much reflection mapping.

It would be something that you'd have to alter in photoshop or whatever image editor that you used to make the background image.

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Heyas Frostbyte. That, I'm afraid I can't say. You'll have to google how to adjust transparency layers. I'm sorry. I bypassed paint.net, and jumped straight into Photoshop.

If paint.net doesn't support it you may have to go with a different image editing program. There's a couple of free alternatives to photoshop that I know a lot of people use. GIMP being one of them, (also have not used personally).


Here's a quick search that I did. I didn't verify any links, because yeah... I dunno paint.net.


Essentially what you want to do, is turn the transparency quality/amount/ratio (it goes by different names, different products) down. To make the image you are wanting for your screen overlay, to be more see through. That will allow the images behind the layer, to be more visible. Most likely to about 40-65% visibility. Or 60-45% transparency, depending on how your program rates it.

Depending on much transparency you use, you can also adjust your pipboy screen brightness to help make it more visible. You can also increase/decrease the color intensity of the screen to help make it more visible. Both of those methods are through .ini edits in notepad.

Here's where I listed those. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8384793-some-helpful-pipboy-modifications-reference/&do=findComment&comment=77251063


Now, while I have kinda sorta thought about doing custom pipboy screens, I haven't really researched it. So I am sorry, but I'm afraid I dunno what file formats are supported for using them :(

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