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Gun holding/aiming


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Hi there :)

yeah i know, anothzer one of Bullets more or less strange ideas ... but anyhow ^^

(sorry if this already has been asked, i have missed it then)


is anyone else puzzled that if you "aim" (hold the right mouse button) you get a zoom-effect and in 3rd person you seem to really aim with the sights (even use the second hand with the handguns) but in 1st person view this is (nearly) neglected?


How about shifting the weapon position that you really "look along the barrel"?

It may be not possible w/o the CS, but since thats confirmed, that point would only be a matter of time.

An requirement would be to have these parameters (gun position while zooming) buried in the weapon stats as it could need to be different for different weapons, especially if you bring weapon mods into the picture ...


so what do you think? Good idea or pointless/unecessary?

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