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Falling Damage during Knockback Effect


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I don't know if I've experienced this... Do you mean that if knockback triggers and launches you over a drop, that fall damage isn't triggering? This might be something hardcoded into the game that a CK mod can't do, or maybe I don't know how to do it, but if that is the case, I'll take a look.


Or do you mean that damage isn't occuring when an npc flies horizontally and collides with something? I don't know if the system can support that without some scripting work (I haven't learned scripting yet anyway). If you're talking about taking fall damage from simply falling back onto level ground... that might be able to be done with fall damage magnitude tweaks, but is a little ridiculous.


If I can come up with something sometime I'll post an update.

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Your first example is the one I was referring to but your second example with horizontal wall collisions is something i think should also be considered and coded. After looking through the ck, I came to the conclusion that its a hard coding issue that I am in no position to address so i thought I'd bring this up. Edited by Destruction12345
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Very true. Additionally, I am wondering if there is a way of enabling first person perspective when your character is being tossed around by a knockback effect. It should actually be very easy to implement hypothetically even though that means your camera is gonna go haywire while you spin like crazy. For realism sake, it should be allowed as well I think. Edited by Destruction12345
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