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Mod Requests - Weapon Grouping Feats and Shield Quickslot


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A few things popped into my head while playing the game, so I figured I would put the ideas out there to see if any friendly modders would be willing to pick them up.


  • Grouped Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization feats. These feats would allow you to pick (Greater) Weapon Focus/Specialization feats for a group of weapons instead of a single type, similar to the way Baldur's Gate 1's weapon proficiencies worked. This way the feats have more versatility and won't make you feel locked to a single weapon type. Looking at the weapon types for these feats, this is how I would break them down:

Axes - Battle Axe, Greataxe, Hand Axe, Heavy Pick, Light Pick, Throwing Axe, Dwarven Urgrosh, Dwarven Waraxe, Orc, Double Axe, Tongi.

Blunt Weapons - Club, Earth Breaker, Flail, Greatclub, Heavy Flail, Heavy Mace, Light Hammer, Light Mace, Warhammer, Gnome Hooked Hammer, Nunchaku

Long Blades - Falchion, Longsword, Rapier, Scimitar, Bastard Sword, Dueling Sword, Elven Curved Blade, Estoc, Falcata, Two-bladed Sword, Greatsword

Short Blades - Dagger, Kukri, Punching Dagger, Short Sword, Sickle, Star Knife, Kama, Sai,Siangham

Polearms, Spears & Staves - Bardiche, Glaive, Scythe, Fauchard, Javelin, Longspear, Quarterstaff, Shortspear, Spear, Trident

Missile Weapons - Dart, Heavy Crossbow, Light Crossbow, Short Bow, Long Bow, Hand Crossbow, Heavy Repeating Crossbow, Light Repeating Crossbow, Shuriken, Sling, Sling Staff, Bomb

Shield Bash - Heavy Shield Bash, Light Shield Bash, Spiked Heavy Shield Bash, Spiked Light Shield Bash

Natural Weapons - Bite, Claw, Gore, Other Natural Weapons

Magic Attacks - Ray, Touch, Kinetic Blast

Unarmed Strike - Unarmed Strike


  • Exotic Weapon Proficiency (All) Feat. I don't see that the exotic weapons as being that much better than martial weapons, so I feel that you should be able to become proficient with all of them using a single feat.


  • A Single Slot for the Off-handed Weapon in Quick Weapon Bar. It would be nice if there was an extra slot that, when a shield/weapon is equipped in it, would apply to all the empty off-hand slots in the quick weapon bar. That way you wouldn't have to fill up your quick weapon bar with shields/off-hand weapons, which would leave you encumbered and possibly not using the shield/off-hand weapon you really want. You also wouldn't have to go to the inventory screen to move the off-hand item to the new weapon slot.
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