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join the instute/bos/whatever without main questline?


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l know the mods project valkyrie and Outcasts and Remnants exist and let you do the questline differently but l dont want my institute to become a strip club,l just want to join the instute or bos without haveing to go to vault 111 and do the whole "find shawn" thing (l am useing the alt start mod)


the mod would have to give a alt way to finding/joining the 2 factions,and make a way to side step some of the main quest stuff (like the reason to find kellogg)


l dont know how possable this is,but l want a way to beat the game without haveing to go looking for some kidnapped kid


or if the above idea is not possable,makeing a way to use the above stated mods,but not have the instute be turned into a strip club,that would be great.

Edited by skyrimlover1212
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