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[LE] A potentially humongous undertaking... A new world.


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This is potentially going to be a very long read, but, I will try to keep my thoughts as organized as possible while I lay out what I'm trying to do / needing LOTS of help and ideas with.


Basic Overview:

I am wanting to create a fully autonomous Skyrim, that can run constantly on a dedicated computer. Ideally, I would like to see the world of Skyrim, as it is, without player interaction being mandatory.


I would like to see NPC / NPC interactions be a bit more complex, with hidden stats that not only determine how an NPC addresses the player, but, also other NPCs. For example, if an NPC steals from a shop, the "owner" of that shop would either try to attack him (if he has a chance of beating him in combat), or will inform the guards, or send hired thugs to beat the thief up.


I would like to be able to, or I would like the guards to be able to, place NPCs in jail without them glitching through the cell doors.


If an NPC is working at the sawmill, the owner of the sawmill should pay the NPC at the end of each workday, and that NPC should be able to spend that money wherever he or she sees fit, at prices that are determined by their speechcraft levels.


I would like for the NPCs to be able to build and nurture relationships with other NPCs, as well as the player.


I intend on using pre-existing mods to make most of this work, but, there are several tweaks that would need to be done in order to bring them up to the levels I need.


I would like for time to pass normally in game. So, 1 hour in game is 1 hour in real life. (yes, I realize that this will completely eliminate the "wait" command.)


I would like for the NPCs to be required to eat, drink water, and sleep.


I understand that this will be quite a large undertaking, but, I have a fairly new laptop that I will be using only for this particular game / mod.


What I am looking for is a list of mods that will help me to achieve these, as well as other goals. If the mods aren't available or simply don't exist, having people around who understanding modding, and can point me in the right directions would also be very helpful.


Also, please bear in mind that I at at work (the joys of being an "essential" employee during a pandemic, I suppose, but, I may or may not be able to reply quickly.

Edited by Cappii
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You have more chances to get a response in another section, this is strictly for modders and mod creation troubleshooting.

Nexus stuff could redirect the post to a more appropriate section.

By the way i would like to say that, it doesn't matter in which country your services are been used to fight this plague, just Thank You !.

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