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'Can't import directories" error message when trying to drag mod files


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Just installed Vortex. I have about 20 Bannerlord 2 mods I've previously installed manually from Nexus that I want to add to Vortex.


When I drop the mod file folders into the "Drop File(s)" box, Vortex is giving the "Can't import directories" message. These are the actual named mod file folders i downloaded from Nexus and dropped into the Modules folder. These mods are working in game mind you.


In addition when I use the "Install from File" feature it's broken as well. I click on the "install from file" feature and it automatically opens the Modules folder and shows all of my Bannerlord mods however when I click on a mod file it actually opens actual mod folder instead of entering the name of the mod/file in the "file name:" box.

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Follow the advice from 1ae0fb8 and drag mod archives into the drop box. Also, please read my comments in your identical post elsewhere in this forum. Vortex is not broken. You are using the wrong procedure to install mods. Vortex installs from archives, not directories. An archive is the zipped version of the mod; a directory is the unzipped version of the mod. By the way, this procedure is the same for all other mod managers that I'm aware of.

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drop the archive that contains the mod into the box, not the directories.


Thank you for the info. Why doesn't it say "drop/drag zip files"? Archive? Directories?


It's a zip file or an unzipped file. :cool: I have never heard those terms and I've been using mods since Rome Total War came out. Granted I'm a military dude that's mostly used to working with bullets, beans, bandages and bad guys so it's on me i suppose.

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