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cpu/core/memory ini setup help prease


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ok - i have a 4core system - and 8gb memory and a 2gb gtx 560


nothing special - but I do want to maximize my system resources. I know I know I shouldn't do it but I am also running enb v0.119 with ssao and ssil fastmode enabled - it jacks my fps way down but i love the visual effect..



I don't want a ton of ugrids enabled just because I am going to run some heavy cells - civil war and all that fun stuff


I made the mistake of "dynamically" playing with my ugrids and saved games already and don't want to go thru that again - CTD CTD CTD


I am just looking for a some nice ini tweaks to tell skyrim hey man -


I have 4 cpus, and 8gb of memory - please use it all - actually to be safe I want to tell it i have 6gb of ram - leave 2gb for the os and other junk I run


anyone that can help me do this awesome!! Or even if there are better suggestions great :)





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As for the CPU tweeks, I use them on a 6 core CPU and can tell no difference but here's a link to a guide for it: http://itcprosolutions.com/skyrimguides/tweak_guide.htm


As for the memory tweeks you want, they are impossible because Skyrim is a 32 bit exe and at absolute max can use 4gb of virtual mem. this includes OS and page file. Around the 1.4 patch the 4gb LAA was added by default as long as you have enough installed memory so no need to mess with it as it's already at max of what can be done. However this may help to free up some memory possibly http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27959


Lastly the enb's look amazing but can have a hefty impact on fps, I have found with a little playing around with the Imaginator tool can produce almost as good of results with very little if any fps hit, here's a link:http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13049



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As for the CPU tweeks, I use them on a 6 core CPU and can tell no difference but here's a link to a guide for it: http://itcprosolutions.com/skyrimguides/tweak_guide.htm


As for the memory tweeks you want, they are impossible because Skyrim is a 32 bit exe and at absolute max can use 4gb of virtual mem. this includes OS and page file. Around the 1.4 patch the 4gb LAA was added by default as long as you have enough installed memory so no need to mess with it as it's already at max of what can be done. However this may help to free up some memory possibly http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27959


Lastly the enb's look amazing but can have a hefty impact on fps, I have found with a little playing around with the Imaginator tool can produce almost as good of results with very little if any fps hit, here's a link:http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13049




right on man thx - that answered more questions than you know - i hope.

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