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A mod that alters player walk/run speed


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I'm assuming the reason I can't find anything like this is either because it is really difficult to do or impossible. There are tons of mods that alter the players run speed by speeding it up or makes it so that NPCs match the players movement. But each and every one is flawed either because altering NPC movement rates leads to broken or weirded out script events, not to mention that it leaves the player still walking way too slow, or because increasing the players base walking speed also leads to an increased run speed. (which is a hair too fast as it is)


What I'd really like is the ability to increase my characters walking speed so that he matches NPC walking speed while decreasing his running speed by only a slight amount, and all of this without touching NPCs. I'm positive there are a ton of other people who would love this too. But even if there aren't, (there are) I'd be immensely grateful. Here is to hoping that this is either already done and I just haven't been able to find it (and that someone points me in the right direction), or that this is only a minorly difficult task to accomplish and someone is willing to create this wonderful thing.

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Thanks, but that one altered NPCs too much for me to be happy with it. However, I was able to use it as a guide to making my own mod that will serve as a nice compromise. First I used this mods settings to help me increase the walking speed of the player to the walking speed of the NPCs in the regular game without touching the running speed. Then I used the changes I found in another mod to bring NPC walk/run speeds back down to the player level. Hopefully this combo will prevent the vast majority, if not all, of the scripted event conflicts that changing character speed can cause while also making player walking faster and equal in pace to NPCs while not messing with running speeds. I may release it after I test it a bit and decide I'm happy with it.
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