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2 Questions regarding followers


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First question: Is there a way to look at your follower's magic tab? Like a way to see the list of magic your follower knows?


Second question: What class is the follower ' Trish ' considered? From looking at the Trish mod, the description said she knew some Fire spells and Healing spells, but when i picked her up, she had a dagger. So at first i assumed she was a Mage. But why would a mage have a dagger? So now i'm not really sure what class she is and how to gear her respectively. Anyone know what she specializes in?

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Unfortunately, i dont think i can use that mod, since i have a follower mod that allows me to use more then 1 follower at a time. I use the "UFO Ultimate Follower" Mod. It clearly stated that i shouldnt use any other mods that effect follower behavior since it prolly wont be compatible with other follower mods.


Now i got another question. I'm using a walkthrough to create a custom follower in Creation Kit. So i can add her to my Harem of female followers. So far i got Lydia, Aela, and Trish following me atm. I'm working on a custom one. Is there a way to set her up so that if i hit her too many times in combat, she wont rage and attack me? I was messing around and hit Lydia too many times and she Raged and attacked me. Had to reload game.

Edited by MrBojingo
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Each follower has a prefered way of attacking in combat that is written in the CK and very easy to change. You can also use a mod such as UFO to add tactic dialog to your followers and telling them what you want them to do in combat - I have installed this mod but didnt look into that function however.


The fact that they go with a dagger doesnt mean that in combat they will touch that dagger at all.


By the way i think all mages go with a dagger(even if they dont have one - i think) unless you give a better weapon to their inventory. if you have a really stong need for them not wearing any weapon the only option I know is to create an invisable weapon and giving it to them (they will not use it they are mages so they will put it by the belt).

Edited by majistik
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