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Changing bow stretching sound


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Hi there,

I really want to change the sound of a (new)custom bow stretch.

From my knowledge (and from my last topic) this is not something that is being done in the CK.


I have seen that the sound is configuted inside "bow_drawlight.hkx" but i dont know how to change it for a specific bow. I have seen in the weapon config in the ck that there is an option to add papyrus script maybe there is a way to add the sound there with "GetAnimationVariableInt" or something? i know nothing on this language :\


Thanks :)

Edited by majistik
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I've never done what you're attempting to do so I could be completely wrong here, but I thought I'd chime in as no-one has...


Can't you edit the sound within CKs weapon data, as highlighted in the red box...




Also, I use this mod: Ultra Realistic Bow Shoot Sounds ... which installs sound data into the folder: data\sound\fx\wpn\bow\fire. So perhaps you could create / obtain an alternate bow (stretching) sound and assign it to be played for a particular bow within CK / the game?


Other than this, I don't know what else to suggest :sad:

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I've never done what you're attempting to do so I could be completely wrong here, but I thought I'd chime in as no-one has...


Can't you edit the sound within CKs weapon data, as highlighted in the red box...




Also, I use this mod: Ultra Realistic Bow Shoot Sounds ... which installs sound data into the folder: data\sound\fx\wpn\bow\fire. So perhaps you could create / obtain an alternate bow (stretching) sound and assign it to be played for a particular bow within CK / the game?


Other than this, I don't know what else to suggest :sad:

Thanks for the reply but the sounds in this place and on the arrow place in the ck are not for the stretching or arrow-taking - i already tried that.

I know i can change the sounds to all of the bows thats not a problem - i want a change only for specific bow (or specific arrows)..

Thanks :)

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FWIW: I'll chime in again...


I know you're wanting a different sound to go with a different bow, but have you actually traced how Bethesda make the original bows work? I normally find that if I can't work something out myself then I'll study a working example and use that as a reference.


There obviously must be a bow script / event of some kind so that the game knows what to do and when, so logically speaking I guess you could directly emulate whatever settings these are to effectively make a 2nd bow and assign your new audio file to that bow(?)

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FWIW: I'll chime in again...


I know you're wanting a different sound to go with a different bow, but have you actually traced how Bethesda make the original bows work? I normally find that if I can't work something out myself then I'll study a working example and use that as a reference.


There obviously must be a bow script / event of some kind so that the game knows what to do and when, so logically speaking I guess you could directly emulate whatever settings these are to effectively make a 2nd bow and assign your new audio file to that bow(?)

Thanks for the replay

The animation types in the ck are not something you can add. there are few that exist(1handsword,1handaxe,bow,staff etc..) Thats why all of the mods that change animationts replace an existing animation. Its impossible from my knowledge to create a new weapon animation without replacing and assign it to a weapon. The sounds of the bow stretching is configired inside the animation files - and any change of this file will change all of the bows.


Thanks :)

Edited by majistik
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I have done it!

Thanks for trying to help anyway :D

Scriptname ABSoundBowQuest extends ReferenceAlias
Weapon property GlassBowABRandom auto
Weapon property DaedricBowABRandom auto
Weapon property OrcishBowABRandom auto
Weapon property EbonyBowabRandom auto
Weapon property GlassBowAB auto
Weapon property DaedricBowAB auto
Weapon property OrcishBowAB auto
Weapon property EbonyBowab auto
Quest Property ABSoundBowQst Auto 
actor property selfRef auto
Sound Property WPNABDRW  Auto  

Weapon TempX

Event OnInit()
RegisterForAnimationEvent(selfRef, "arrowAttach") 

Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
 if (akSource == selfRef) && (asEventName == "arrowAttach")
if (TempX == (GlassBowABRandom) || TempX == (EbonyBowabRandom) || TempX == (OrcishBowABRandom) || TempX == (DaedricBowABRandom) || TempX == (GlassBowAB) || TempX == (EbonyBowab) || TempX == (OrcishBowAB) || TempX == (DaedricBowAB))


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