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Trying to fix invisible arms in first person for Immersive Armor Spellbinder


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Hi everyone,


I am using Immersive Armors with CBBE Bodyslide presets (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22382?tab=bugs) and I have issues with the « Spellbinder » armors that show invisible arms in first person view.


After digging a bit through SSEEdit, I found out that this armor has a custom first person model (included in the Immersive Armors BSA).


I tried to compare the ESP entries between the ESP from the original Immersive Armors and the ESP from the CBBE presets version, but the only difference is that « Weight slider - Female (sorted) » is enabled in the CBBE version.




Any idea how to fix this? Or any clue on what I should look for?


The CBBE version works fine with armors that have custom first person model that are include in Vanilla Skyrim (e.g., Witchplate which uses first-person model from « beggarclothes »).

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So after digging a bit, I found the problem. I opened a bug on the mod page (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22382?tab=bugs), but in the meantime, if anyone has similar issues, here is what I did.


In the CBBE version, the « Weight slider » is enabled for the Spellbinder armor, which means that the game needs two version of the models in order to weight them, that corresponds to "_0.nif" and "_1.nif" files (as far as I understand). The problem is that the meshes corresponding to the first person view of the armor are not included in the CBBE bodyslide presets of the mods, so when you (or the mod author) generates the files, the first person view are not generated, thus only the "_1.nif" version is present.


Since I assumed that the difference between the two weights would be negligible in 1st person view, and since I don't really know how to use BodySlide, I simply copied the "_1.nif" files for the first person view and renamed them with "_0.nif", which solved the issue.


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I have the same Problem, but for me the 1st Person files aren'T even there to begin with.

Do I need to unpack the bsa from IA?

Well, sorry for the doublepost, but I indeed had to unpack the Ecckstra bsa and put the files in the correc file from the Conversion.

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