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Wield Weapon With One or Two Hands


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Have weapons that you can wield with either one or two hands. This doesn't seem like it should be too hard... For the affected weapons, we could just duplicate them to make a one/two handed version that looks the same but has different stats. Two-handed version would have better damage. In Skyrim-world, two-handed weapons are by definition slower, but realistically, with the weight of the weapon held constant, two-handed should be faster. The advantage of one-handed, of course, is that you can do something with your other hand.


So we could set up some kind of trigger (I think holding a modifier key while clicking on the weapon in inventory would be ideal, but I don't know how doable that is...I guess a magic ability would be the easiest way, but not as cool) which would run a script which would swap the one-handed version for the two-handed version and vice-versa.

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I think this could be done with an equip-type script that would RemoveItem one weapon of one type and AddItem of another type. I've seen scripts that happen on equipping that item that pop up a message window, either allowing the script to trigger, or equipping the item as normal, but I'm not a scripter, so what do I know?


Hope someone sees this that can make this happen. Have fun!


Edit: Frostfall is something that comes to mind with this equip-function, when you equip a woodcutting axe, to either equip it, or trigger the wood gathering animation.

Edited by Dudeman325
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