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Alsiae:Turmoil Treachery and (T)Fun...


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Ok, its been a while since I've tried some recruiting, so here goes...

This is the little (well not so little) storyline for the Glacier city of Alsiae, and what the group, currently consisting of Alex2avs, inggrish and myself are doing and plan to do. If you were so kind as to submit your services for any number of things e need to do, we would be greatly grateful (hahahaha) for your help. PM me or just drop a line here if you're interested.




A beautiful island kept pure by a dutiful god’s protection. A reverent peasantry, completely fervent in their faith and trust. An avaricious aristocracy, who would do anything to claw into power.

All these aspects culminate into a story of blasphemous treachery, intense struggle for power, religious radicals, and a sacred room which allows one to weave through the fabrics of time itself.

The Personae Alsiae have taken power, and stripped the land of its spring. Having wounded the patron god of the city Feki, they have forced him into an indefinite and carefully maintained slumber. While he sleeps, they rule the island with an iron fist, subjugating the peasants into brutal labor. The island has been transformed by their ascension to power, it has lost its vitality and follows Feki into hibernation. Centuries ago, the first snows began, now the people live in constant fear. They have changed. Everything has changed. The ice has become supreme, and the people believe it to be a punishment from Feki for some injustice. Some know the truth. An alliance of the Informed have begun a guerilla war and rebellion against the Personae Alsiae. Exiled people forced to leave the glacier know, but cant tell. They have been cursed. Only the dead know now, but you can talk to the dead cant you?

At the peak of the palace, a beautiful but strong mountain fortress surrounded by the glacier, a strange room exists. A Memory Chamber. A room which lets the user with the appropriate historical texts revisit people from the past, while they may have been alive still or aware of what was going on, or even one of the future power-seizers before they decided to join.

Spies, secret icy tunnels, double agents, resistance, and oppression await you as you unravel the terrible mysteries of the glacier and free it and its patron god.

Or of course if you are the tyrannous type, you can always help the powerful aristocrats and violently oppress any rebellion. Maybe they will reward you, maybe they wont.

The choice is yours, the fate of Alsiae lies in your hands.

Are you just some Joe-Schmoe…or someone who’s going to get up and do something about it?


What we need as of right this very second:

As many ice textures as you can imagine...we've got around 15-18 already, but hey, how many does Oblivion have again? Oh yeah, a TON.

Modelers for lots of things too namely:

unique wall houses



assorted icy/semitransparent surfaces (specifically for static but no collision texains river meshes to run under) (Thanks texain!)





new objects


new weapons


Retexturers: (there is a lot of work here too)

I am trying to retexture the WHOLE vanila cave system because that my friends is how we are going to get our house interiors, yes they live IN the ice...the fronts of the houses are wll houses because only the front is carved from the ice


This mod should be a mix of new, old, and some recyling, and some borrowing.

As of just a few days ago, alex2avs and I made a perfectly good flying wolf statue from a modders resource wolf statue (thanks hel bourne) and the ARstatue01 pheonix's wings. Why cant we mix and match for alot of things?


Sure there's a ton of stuff to be done, but the more the merrier and the more the faster.


I am a pretty good leader I am not ashamed to say, so I can comptetently organize and do my part at the same time. Dont worry about getting left out in the cold (hahahaha pun) I wont just give up.


Later on, once we get the glacier lookin' good, there will of course be a need for books w/ lore, TONS of scripts and a pretty complex quest line so anyone out there be prepared!


We are all here to help bring new things to oblivion, help Alsiae become the name of one of those boxes people forget to check off on their data files!




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DUDE!!! I'm in, i'll see what ice textures I can get together





give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats fish for life. *eeeewwww*


Do you have an Email address i can send these ice textures to?

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I absolutely HAD to post a picture of this, and a HUGE :thanks: to Albino Penguin for being my own peronal Jesus (just kidding real jesus...) So here is a picture of his awesome retexture of the ayleid meshes and textures. Now i know maybe all it was was a change of hue, but I am uber excited because it is something I dont have to make !!!!



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