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Alsiae:Turmoil Treachery and (T)Fun...


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das disgusting lol :biggrin: and i'll get the new .esp from alex some time.


I have soem ideas for a quest... we could have a big cliff thing and you have to sneak one of the servants through the palace up to the top of the main mountain he says to free his family from a dungeon (you get a key to get up through the palace places that the servant "nicked" from a guard or something) you get to the top and there is no dungeon or anything, just sheer drops all around. the servant turns and speaks to you, thanks you, gives you 5000 gold and throws himself, screaming madly off the cliff... I think people would find somebody throwing themself of the glacier pretty funny. like in the Shivering Isles. I loved tha' quest!

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Well, that certainly seems like a gret idea actually, quite funny...oh but they cant go through to the top of the mountain, because that is where the Memory Chamber is, so, they can just be led through the forest to the edge or something, and you can go through the palace till you get to a door to the forest or something. Nice job. And sorry for the confusion!
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None whatsoever i'm afraid ever since the worldspace fiasco... did you ever get skype perchance? I can tell you all about what's going on there, even draw some of it for you.



Unfortunately I still need to get a microphone. :(

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Quest idea!!!




All the plants in the orchard have died because of a blunder on a servants behalf.


You need to collect new seeds


Firstly this should be an important quest with a time-limit, if you fail to complete it in a week people start dieing of starvation.

To get the seeds, you must journey to one of the tropical islands via a boat (somewhere)


Go to the tropical island and collect (a lot of) seeds from varous trees and bushes as well as some food so the people can eat in the meantime.


Take them back to the city (several trips if you can't carry it all) and give them to the orchard.

Money reward for your troubles.




The boss of the orchard instructs you too punish the worker accused of letting the plants die. Go to his house to find him dead on the floor with a dagger in his chest.


Ask around for anyone who recognizes the dagger to be directed to a weapon smith. The smith tells you he sold that dagger to a man in a red cloak and advises you too check the cloak seller.


Go to the cloak seller to be given a list of all the people who have ever bought a red cloak at the shop. Luckily red cloaks aren't in season and never have been so the list isn't long.


Investigate and interrogate all members of the list, crossing them off as you go until you reach one particular name, the name of the dead man. Go to his house to find he is indeed wearing a red cloak.


Ask any neighbor (at any time during the investigation) to be told they did see a man in a red cloak enter the dead mans house just before the screams were heard.


From all the clues the player can probably guess the man committed suicide rather than face punishment, head back to the boss of the orchard.


you can tell the boss two things-


1. The man was killed by a man in a red cloak.




2. The man committed suicide


A reward of money follows.

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Thats quite a good quest idea Xanalderon. (Sorry I don't know your proper name, what is it??? :S )


Really? Im sure you need a mic to use skype. fair enough. I will need to get that, you got a link?

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