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Rebuild destroyed cities !


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Rebuild Skyrim with your own hands !


Hello to everyone who is reading my request for this mod :D

I have searched Google and the Forum but i haven't seen anything, so i hope this request hasn't been answerd already : /

I always felt that the people of skyrim are toooooo lazy thair towns are destroyed and no one wants to rebuilt them, i would but i can't. I would realy like it if someone could make a mod like this :

After you complet the Story of the war as Stormcloak ore Imperial, you can go to the Jarl's in the world and if you are Thane they allow you to fix every hous that is destroyed, ore evry struckture like the garden in Whiterun. This should also be eable in al the oder where houses are burned dawn like narfis haus but only if you have completed al of the quests which corispond to the hauses.


Examples :

The destroyed hauses in Whiterun

The destroyed strucktures in Whitrune (The Wooden Circle in oraund the tree)

The destroyed bridge to mage Coleg in winterhold

Winterhold it self, like building more hauses in which npcs can move in and a wall oraund the citie


If someone has the time/ skill to make this mod dream reality i and i'm preaty shure many other skyrim players would be very thankfull :D

If it's inposible narfi is going to be very sad : (


And last but not least, i excuse myselfe for my poor english, it is not my nativ language.


Thanks ;D

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Yes it is a very good start but i ment more of you get the supplies like irone, logs .... and other stuff and build it like the haus in heartfire ore at least in such direction.


THX a lot :D for the fast answer and the link : )


I knaw that this mod would be a lot of work but maybe someone sees it and makes it ;D

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