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Hi I finished all the quests as such and was now wondering what it would be like you just tweak the landscape, never downloaded a graphics mod before and was wondering what the best mods were. Looking at the pictures I quite like Skyrim Flora Overhaul what are peoples opinion of other mods which do the same. I have 8 memory and 2 on my video card.thanks for your time
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korun thanks for your reply you would put skyrim flora overhaul and skyrim hd together. I do have highres texture pack 1 and highres texture pack 2 activated in my loader. Edited by stoaty6666
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yes of course, all the mods i mentioned are compatible with each other,

one more tip, Skyrim HD 2k textures are better than the DLC, check the mod author description, you have few screenshots to compare the both, you have enough memory to run all smoothly, i do :)

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