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Would it be possible to have a Jump pack. Would it be possible to make it a separate backpack like thing that boosts your jumping ability?


I got this picture from popular science.

Dude, I love the idea of a jet-pack and all, but how could you possibly post that picture in stead of these?




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All relatively do-able.


We would just need to figure out a balance which would not let you fly over the rubble roadblocks in the cities and consequently get trapped in a giant glitch zone. We would also need to figure out how to add something as an apparel item worn on your torso on top of your equipped clothing (though that should be the easy part)

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  • 1 month later...

Im basically bumping this topic cause the whole rocketeer thing is a sweet idea that mixes well with the style of fallout 3. I was thinking the helmet would have to be a new mesh ect. Maybe his actual clothing can be a retex of the enclave officer outfit or something. Also if anyone figures this out it can be used for the Boba Fett mandalorian armor. :thumbsup:


Im new to this posting stuff but i'll give you kudos

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  • 2 months later...
wow theres a mod that makes u jump higher.but if u had a jumpack do the same u wud look cooler but thers a inviso wall that u get stuck on if u jump to high so some 1 wud have to get wid of it first and the top of buildings are blank so.but i wud like to jump over ppls head then shoot them in there back
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