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Ok alittle news update on this there is a jetpack in the works......alittle ok very beta........take a look fer yourselves




Seems like the inviso wall thing is real as the no rooftops.........never used a jump mod myself so ya something that should have been easy now seems like it would cause many gliches.........grrrrrrr......oblivion didn't have these problems.......why is that.


Ok and now for fan fiction mod hopes lol and yeah this fits with fallout lore


Ok I figure something like this would be top secret so I say lets throw in a npc called Harvey Hughes the fallout relative of the aviator himself Howard Hughes. You would find him in the rivet city muddy rudder........drinking away his woes and hitting on chicks lol. The player would talk to him and he would notice your no simple beancounter....due to an intelegence check and ask you if you would like to test the last fruits of his lifes work.........the Rocketeer jetpack.........damn this things gotta fly he poored all his caps into it..... so you say ok........he would test it himself but if it doesn't work and he dies who else can make it. So you get a lame test fight quest where you have to collect holotapes from hard to reach places close to rivet city.


Basically if someone could perfect this we could almost have a jetpack alot like the shadows of the empire jetpack......if possible and have the amount of energy left to show up in the left hand corner. kind a jump mod i guess


Then you report back to Hughes cause he wants to know how it works and whats it like strapping a jet engine to your back and flying like a bat out of hell. Then he would tell you about his prototype data being stolen by John Tripp....who is his rival and actually should remind us of Juan Tripp who ran pan am back in the day.....anyway he is in bed with the enclave and has set up enclave jet pack troopers. So we get some flying enemies to fight. or at least hover lol....probably look alot like the nazi troops in teh vid clip i posted. I think raven rock would be a good place for them to float about. Anyway take them out and bring back what you can.


When you get back gasp Hughes has been murdered........big surprise.....acually pretty cliche but whatever. Tripp has taken him out and the plans for some other stuff. So then you rush to the flight deck. There we could see some more jet troops and a resized maybe retextured personal vertibird for Tripp......you have to fly and chase it down get inside and stop him. I figue the interior should look like something a enclave exec sleezeball would have in his vertibird.....ya maybe a chandelier. A boss fight that you can't mess around in too much or the bird goes boom. You kill him take some loot which should include Hughes last little dohicky the impact dampener that is pretty much something that lets you survive the falls.......almost any fall. So you get your ass out of there and done.


And maybe a completion and the Wasteland Rocketeer perk.....pipboy in his rocketeer getup thumbs up style.


What Ya'll think????

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