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What should I do/buy to increase my framerate?


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I'm looking for some advice about how to best increase my frame rate. I would like to play skyrim with the best settings with some mods installed too. On the settings the game picked automatically for me (high) the game is very choppy. I currently have no mods installed.


My computer details:

HP desktop

Intel Core i7 [email protected] GHz

ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series video card


24" monitor

64 bit windows 8


I'm assuming the worst part of my computer is the graphics card. Would a new graphics card around ~$250 or less increase my game quality significantly? I might consider spending more money if it will help the performance. When I get a new card can I use it in conjunction with my old card, or do you have to use one or the other? Are graphics cards plug and play or would upgrading it require a lot of technical knowledge?


Thanks for any suggestions!

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ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series video card----this


depend on your power unit, which in a HP rig must be +/- 300 watt, a Ati Radeon HD7xxxx will be better of course but you will have to change your PSU for a 500+ watts


So first off all check your power unit, if 300 watts +/- = Radeon 6570/6770 will work fine

if you can upgrade for 500+ = 7850/7870

there is many GC on the market and there is also many people who buy the most powerfull rig and can't even have 20 fps in Skyrim.

and no you can't use the old card anymore then, it's really not so difficult to change a GC, it's a basic thing, but if you have never open a computer before, ask your vendor to place it for you, especially if you change the PSU.



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Thanks for your reply. I'm having trouble figuring out how many watts my power supply is. The model is HPE-170i and I can't find a reliable source online to tell me what the watts are.


What do you mean about people buying the most powerful rig but still having low FPS in skyrim?

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Thanks for your reply. I'm having trouble figuring out how many watts my power supply is. The model is HPE-170i and I can't find a reliable source online to tell me what the watts are.

i've found the spec on HP.com, looks good, psu 460 watt, mother board with only one Pci-16, so just one graphic card like the most Oem computer, Dell, HP etc...

so Amd recommend a 500 psu min for a 7850, go for it, the card run 130 watt as Amd spec, but it has been tested at 110 watt +/- all good :)


last big point, i'm not god, even your father :P, check around, get other advise


What do you mean about people buying the most powerful rig but still having low FPS in skyrim?

i7 oc 4.2 ghz / 8 gb ram 1600 hz radeon 7970 x 2 and 18 fps front of Whiterun :D, not on Nexus^^ in my small town


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