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[Mod Request] Increase/Decrease Relationships by Dialoge or new activities


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Hello, everyone,

unfortunately it is a great pity that one has little opportunity to improve relations with one's followers, spouses and other nobles.

I have a few ideas about which activities one could introduce to earn this affection:

to increase:

- Giving presents

- Small talk on various topics

- blandish someone

- train together

- go for a ride together

- Visiting the royal chambers together ( with spouses, also to improve the chances of having children)

- ballroom dancing

- render a speech of minnesong

- go hunting together

- Dinner together

- get drunk in a Tavern (could also raise the moral^^ )

and much more...

You could do the same thing to make enemies:

- Insult or ridicule someone.

- challenge someone to a duel

- seduce the spouse of the enemy :D
Edited by Da1Manu
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What i find funny is that i can increase relationship with random thugs/traders/in-laws, but my own spouse who is popping out children like there is no tomorrow is between -1 and 3 relation, and is damned hard to increase.



Either the wife is very cooperative, or one of the guards or army members is keeping her happy.

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Unfortunately, I had the bug that my spouse didn't throw babies at all...

Preg.Control Mod fixed it for me

Regardless, it'd be nice to get a little more in-depth relationship-building. Whether they're friendly or hostile.

Edited by Da1Manu
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