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Want to start modding... Need a little aid


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I have come to enjoy the many many mods other people have made and I want to contribute back to the community. I have looked everywhere google, youtube, various forums,.. But I am unable to find a beginners guide to modding cites.


I want to mod Solitude but I am unable to find any type of a basic guide. I have watched the Bethesda tuts,.. And such but I have not come across something that can help with cities,


Anybody know of a link or PDF or video out there?


Thank you!

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I'll join the others in saying "learn to walk before you try to run". Actually run through the tutorials instead of just watching, build a quest, build a dungeon, then try your hand at some small projects like a home, and by then you'll have a decent ideas of all the triggers and other stuff found in cities. And there are lots of them.
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