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Incredibly Slow Download (<20KBps)


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I live in Alaska and use satellite internet. My speed is 4M, and I should be getting (on a rough day) about 200KBps. I'm currently getting about 6KBs per second while trying to download the Cinders mod for Dark Souls 3. I have a premium account. The information as per the "I'm having download issues page" is as follows:

My country: USA

My IP Adress:

The URL I am downloading from:


Results of my ping test via the run program:

Pinging files.nexus-cdn.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
General failure.
General failure.
General failure.
General failure.
Ping statistics for


Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

This fails every time. However, all other sites load fine, adblock is disabled on NMM main site, additionally:

Successfully began downloads at speeds of over 100KBs per second when downloading two of the three "sample" files, the 100M being the middle speed, followed by the 1GB and the fastest being the 500M at around 400KB per second.

Currently, this download is between 6KB and 11KB. What the hell is going on?
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No better results. Some seemed to give, like, 5 more KBps but in the end didn't do anything. Oddly enough, the download finished overnight despite saying it would take 3-4 days. Is there just a lot of traffic or something? Consider it resolved since it's done, at least.

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