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[Mod Request] Better Ships


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When i was much younger (2012),

there was a mobile game called Galaxy on fire 2 wich i played the s#*! out of (and gof1 too). It is pretty much NMS without the planet exploration part.
So when i saw NMS, i was an instant fan (2019, mind you, i missed the hypefest before and obviously didnt buy after release) --

BUT: Even tho i know it is primarily an exploration game, not a shooter, was the space part a huge letdown for me. Fights are impossible to lose if you dont play on hardcore. There is nothing to achieve.

You can attack any freighter without even facing reputation loss (is this a bug?). aside from several weapons that offer no real variety since there is no reason to swap them other than overheat, there is no other aspect to fighting (bombs, rockets, mines, drones, whatever). Hunting star ships is not worth the time once you have one with decent inventory.
So for me, it looks that the Sky in No mans Sky is purely empty space to get from one place to another.
While this is probably realistic, there is no reason for me to play an idle flight simulator wich serves as better loading screen.
But the thing that hit me hardest after i came to NMS: compared to a mobile game from 2012, 90% of the ships look absolutely awful (personal opinion)!
you can only look at fighters, wich all pretty much look the same after you get used to 3 or 4 similar wing models, exotics and i guess most haulers, and maybe 1% of shuttles and explorers.

I know you can argue it doesnt need to look like a plane since its a space game, but i just dont agree with the style at all, also nearly all planets have an atmosphere so there is no reason they shouldnt look exactly like you would draw any starship.


So, for the love of god, if anyone can take a look at these pictures from an 8 year old ipod game and has enough time and ressources to spend to polish the game in this direction, Id love you forever.
Thanks for reading!

hd video listing gof ships for those who are interested:

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Hi skalliton,


Welcome to the forum and welcome to the frustrations that is NMS. Sadly i doubt anyone will take on the above as it's a lot of work although i guess they could tweak the ship variations but it'll probably look even worse. And i understand your frustrations with the space battle as they are pretty mute and very one sided even before you upgrade. But there are plenty of mods out there that improve things like that and more.


You could also get into the editing yourself as it's not as hard as you think to begin with, i managed to do it and my brain lives in my shoe.




Myself :happy:

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Hey northener,
Thank you so much for your reply, it means a lot. I dont expect anyone to go and rewrite the game, but if even one person read it it was worth the post. I think its a great game with much potential but if youd try the slightest criticism on the official reddit, you will get stomped sadly. I think getting into modding a great idea as i already thought about it myself, I should give it a try :happy:
And ill definitely look around for the mods you mentioned.
Thank you!

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Hi skalliton


Don't mention it mate and i understand fully regarding getting stomped if you criticise the game, i even got a warning on steam because it became a little heated after my heavy criticism. I merely gave an honest opinion and the crazies came out of the woodwork and got a little upset and i replied in kind. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


But seriously delve into the modding and if you need a little help with the tools you need just send me a P.M and i'll send you some links. If you see from my forum posts i've done plenty of modding and i didn't know sh*t until i dived in myself, and there's some nice people on here that will help you if you're stuck. Good luck mate and have fun. :happy:




Myself :happy:

Edited by northener69
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