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Updating mods?


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So I was browsing Nexus and noticed that a lot of the mods I've downloaded for Skyrim SE had been flagged as "Updates available". For some the updates come as updates or patches, while others are new versions of the full files all together. As a test I've downloaded the news versions of two (Pfuscers 2020 textures, and LeanWolfs Better Shaped Weapons.) For both I had ordered them to be loaded AFTER the older versions. The 2020 texture mod had made one of the older files redundant, so I had vortex remove the older redundant file.


Should I be good as long as I have the updated versions load AFTER the older ones?


Thanks! (Again, as stated in previous posts, I'm new to mods)

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You must look at the dependencies. If another mod you have requires the mod you are updating you need to be very careful that it is not affected. If there are no dependent mods and there are no other mods for which relevant patches are required then you should remove the old file altogether, preferably before installing the new version.

Sometimes you will find that a new version of a mod incorporates a patch file that was separate. If so, remove that patch. Vortex normally warns if a plugin has redundant files, but would not recognise them if the names were different. You do not always have to accept updates, but if you do it is pointless to keep the older versions active, although you can keep the download in case something goes wrong and you want to go back to the earlier version.

Some mods do not update neatly and Vortex thinks there is a later one when there is not. NMM was the same. So do not update automatically.

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