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Where can I find a useful tutorial on how to edit the "Scene" part of a quest?

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I'm really just trying to expand on an existing side quest to add the content that was implied but never actually implemented as such.

However, I have no clue what anything means in the SCENE tab of the quest window - I'm trying to work through it blind, but none of it makes any sense.
It doesn't help that the layout of it is totally friggin' weird.

As far as I've seen though, this is the only way that dialogue gets meaningfully added in the game - both voiced and subtitled.

I'm not expecting anyone here to walk me through it for free. I mean that'd be great but really I'd be okay with a youtube video or a written illustrated tutorial.

So far all I've seen are several weird videos that kind-of-but-not-really touch dialogue - mostly centered around followers and their idle dialogue [such as a deadpool one]


Nothing goes in-depth on what's what in the SCENE tab, or how to manipulate it meaningfully. At least nothing I've seen so far.

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