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ESO High Elven Armor


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Could someone, or point me in the right direction for a mod that adds the High Elven armor from Elder Scrolls Online? It's the guy in the middle.http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121217212039/elderscrolls/images/8/82/AldmeriConceptArt.jpg Edited by Flopsies
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I doubt you'll find a mod which has that exact armor in it right now, so there are 2 options:

- You can try and learn how to make it yourself

- You can wait and hope that some day, someone will see this magnificent armor and make it for you.

Otherwise, you can also search around a bit, maybe you'll find an armor looking quite like it and retexture it yourself, which is easier than making a whole new model.



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I can't remember where it is on the Nexus, but I remember seeing one that Gopher did a mod video for a long long time ago that looks almost identical. The Glass Armor has the right mesh, and the mod I'm talking about is a retexture of Glass Armor.


Search Glass Armor and you should find it. I promise you I saw one that looks almost identical to it - as a Glass Armor retexture.

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