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is there a way to add enchantement to arrow quivers?


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yeah i saw the creation kit unfortunately :/ making the quiver an armour would make it pretty useless because you could not use it.....

however maybe there is some scripting way to do it.....or maybe some magical effect that triggers when the player equips the arrows.....

unfortunately i am a complete noob with the scripting so yeah...i need help or at least some good tutorial :D

oh btw this is a rough concept of the quiver....


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That would be awesome. There are is a mod I have installed that has a custom quiver for the arrows, not sure how they did it or where I got the mod at (one of the very few mods I got off Nexus), I'll check it out and see if it might show me how. As for scripting, ya I not good at it, last script I wrote gave me my first CTD in the Creation Kit.
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i've already done that with my backpack mod... i wanted to make a equippable quiver because it will follow the directions of the armor weapon adjustment and so if will be compatible with all types of outfits with no clipping at all...and yeah...that is pretty awesome as i had to make 2 version for my last backpack mod, one closer to the bopdy and the pther for bulky and for those who use fur cloaks....

i see that people are interested in the idea so maybe someone who knows the answer will help us :)

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Ya, that .esp file didn't help, There quiver is set up the same way the arrows are. Plus what IsharaMeradin said sounds a whole lot better then what I was thinking, and would most likely look better.


The only other think I could think of is make the backpack slighlty larger then the quiver to cover it up.

Edited by Dart98Rock
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Another thought...


Use a quiver mesh of your liking and create it as armor so that you can enchant it and use it as you need to. Just make sure that it is placed properly. Then follow these instructions I posted some time ago for someone to have invisible quivers.


With any luck the end result will be that despite what arrow is used, you'll see your armor'd quiver and it will look like the player is pulling the arrows from it. Only concerns would be that there would be no inventory model and possibly no world model of arrows already in quivers. It would also affect NPCs as well as the player.


To counteract those concerns you might be able to get away with leaving the "central arrow" so that there would be something visible and you could adapt your armor'd quiver to allow that "central arrow" to be visible. The "central arrow" is that arrow on the stock quivers which is dead center and sticks slightly higher up. It is the arrow that is always reached for by the animation. It is the last arrow to be pulled to fully empty a quiver.

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Just wondering. Would it be possible to create such a effect with "Invisible perk"?



Targe of the Blooded doesn't really deal bleeding damage, that effect comes from perk which is activated when you equip the shield.

(This results in that player + original owner of the said shield are only who have this perk and can deal bleeding damage with the shield)


I'd suggest you take a look at that idea, it might be what you want or it might not be what you want.


I've used same effect on my "Vampire Hunter Gear", on crossbows. (Those have bayonets and I wanted better damage for those, so I reconstructed the whole perk thingy to be used on my mod)

Feel free to take a look at those, and you can always "reverse engineer" targe of the blooded to figure out how it was made.

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