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To become a jarl, an idea


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Hello everyone.


My idea to become a Jarl, isn't that easy to explain but i will try my best.

First of all, we need a situation in which the player will have the possibility to become a jarl. That means, one jarl has to die or has to flee, so that you as the player can step in. It should trigger a quest, after completing the civil war or maybe not, depends i listed three possibilities to start the quest. The best part of skyrim to use for this mod, would be hold Falkreach. Why? Because Falkreach is in a strategic location, in Falkreach there is the mountain pass to Cyrodil, making it one of the way's the legion could get support from. So i thought about different scenarios, which would destroy Falkreach.


1) After completing the civil war quest on the side for the stormcloaks, you receive a letter. It states that falkreach was burned down by retreating legion soldiers. Furthermore the Jarl died defending the town against the legion or run away.

2) After completing the civil war quest for the other side, that means the legion, you also receive a letter. It states also, that Falkreach was burned down, but this time it would be by stormcloaks, trying to disrupt the flow of goods from Cyrodil. This time the young Jarl would probably flee, at least that's the impression i got from him.

3) Well there is indeed two dungeons with vampires there, so i thought about the following. You've done the quest for the former Jarl (sorry don't remember his name), where you have to kill his ancestor the vampire. In revenge the vampire's massed together and raided the town. Leaving not many people alive.


To rebuild the city you have to travel there to Falkreach and make contact to the survivors of the town, that means the blacksmith, since he would be something like a natural leader for the survivors. There would start a reeeeeally long quest line to gather materials, finish off bandits, rescue villagers and making contact to different outpost's.

That means for example, Lod asks you to secure the bandit camp in the west of falkreach knifepoint ridge. There the civillians will move, so that they have a secure location where they can stay. Also as a benefit there is the iron mine there, making it possible for Lod to sell and smith again.


The building of the new city, would be something else. I thought about different locations, but one stuck in my mind. that is the cracked tusk keep. I know its a quest location, but it would be the best. First you would have to kill everyone there and then everything will be demolished. Well not everything keeping the inside of the fortress and maybe even expand it. So there will be the new town.


After the town is in construction you receive some soldiers, depending on your side in the civil war. That means either stormcloaks or legioniaries. Well if you didn't pick a side, then it will be another quest to get the cooperation of someone else. Maybe the Companions. At best you could even use possible followers, that means for example your housecarl, to train the recruits or even defend the city in your name. Well in this phase, you also get quests, like: My daughter disappeared, please find her or maybe something like a caravan went missing or a dragon appeared and so on. There is no limit what kind of quests could be used in this state. Futhermore, the city would have to get reeally big, for alle the houses and even additions to the normal shops. So that in this town, you have a Fletcher, smith (Lod), general goods store, an inn, 5 normal houses, a temple, a hall of the dead (maybe as a dungeon in the mountain) and a bakery. Well why a bakery? It would be nice, to have some more civilian feel in skyrim, not only war and that's something that should exist there.


After completing the town, the people will move there from the former bandit camp, which will now act as your first mine, to support the city with a steady flow of iron. To upgrade the armors of the guards from the iron level, you need to fight for Bilegulch mine. Which also means killing every bandit there and post guards and miners there to start the mining operation. After capturing the mine, the guards will get a better armor, since you get a steady stream of orihalcum. Maybe the armor will even look differently and of course that means the guards will have better weapons, so that they can face nearly everything.


So the city is finished and a new letter will arrive, Congratulations for rebuilding the city. But does that mean that is the end? No, you have to rebuild the hold. With Helgen and the original town of Falkreach destroyed, you have to bring peace back to the hold. That means, you have to clean the forts there, so that they can be rebuild (Yay more quests and finally full repaired forts, not this wood stuff, real stone walls) and rearmed. With every fort under your control the streets will be more safe, since the stationed guards go on patrol. Also with the town finished you can use it as a base to collect your companions or followers, that means you don't have to bring them to the blades.



Well thats my suggestion for a mod, but uhm its quite big. Probably for more than one modder, sorry. >_>


PS: Sorry for my bad English.

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I have been thinking about a mod that shares a lot of the same concepts you listed above. I would be interested in talking with you further about this, now do you have any modding background or is this just a concept you are throwing out to the world?




Its just as you feared, that is only a concept, which i carried around for about half a year. I don't have any experience in modding, which is something i seriously wanna change, but right now, i don't have any idea how to do change anything inside the game.

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I tried a mod which made Ulfric the high-king of Skyrim and banished the current Jarl of Solitude so the player was able to take up the position, with time however i figured out this was too much work and quit :(
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Perhaps you should not be able to secure all the forts throughout the hold as the peace would probably become a little dull, and it may mess with radiant quests, perhaps you should only take one mine, that bandit camp (can go back to bandits after the town is restored) and one fort / Helgen.
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Hm you've got a point there, it should be Fort Neugrad and well the new location of the town (broken tusk keep). At best it would also be Fort Sungrad, to form a secure support line through the hold. Also i would appreciate if the mines would stay in control of the player (or the new Falkreach town). It's more realistic that way, at least if you ask me. That way you keep the blacksmith running in your town and of course it would also serve the purpose of arming your guards.


The only other locations that should be secured are pinewatch and Helgen. Helgen to be a border town, where merchants from throughout the empire will offer their services. That means a small garrison and two or three shops. Maybe even more, so that the town will be more like a trade town. Goods from everywhere and well goods from skyrim, which will be bought by the visting merchants. Maybe even some mercenary's that will join the fight against the forsworn or something like that. Why pinewatch you ask? Because it's a station for foresters, so they can reafforest the landscape. It would be realistic that way, because there are many Mill's out there needing new wood, which means that there should be at least some foresters at work.


I get what you mean, when you say the hold shouldn't become dull, but at the same time its actually (at least if you ask me) a strategic hold. Since this hold is quite important for both sides in the civil war. For the legion, its because the support, which come's from Cyrodil. That means, if they don't want to cut the support lines, then they have to guard the area with patrols. So no bandit or stormcloak can disrupt the flow of goods, which will come from one of the two pass that lead's out of Skyrim.

On the other hand the stormcloak think the same way, trying to disrupt the flow of goods, so that the legion will have to pull back or give up, since they will have no supplies anymore.


That doesn't mean that the hold will become completely secure, it just means the main roads inside the Hold will become secure. The side roads on the other hand, should still be lawless areas.


PS: You know the real reason i submitted this concept was, because i was quite dejected with the way the civil war came to a conclusion. It was just a slap on the back and a thanks, and that was everything. I expected something more, something lasting to change in the game. I mean some rebuilding and expanding of the towns, or more soldiers in the streets keeping the peace, but nothing changed. Well except some cities got some serious damage, but that was everything. Quite a disappointment if you ask me. That is why, i want the possibility to rebuild something. I mean seriously would you defend a ruin against the legion or the stormcloaks? No of course not, you would repair the damages and man the walls.

Edited by ravennight
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  • 2 months later...

My Jarl aspirations... (or confessions of a non-modder)

I think, regardless of which civil war side you choose, that everyone is aware of the Thalmor threat. Looking at where their embassy is and where their one fort is, it is clear that the NW region of Haafingar needs to be defended. Once you are Thane of each court AND once you have finished the civil war quest, the Jarls can each send you a letter offering their support for creating Northwatch Hold(this is the easy part). This shows their respect and admiration for what you have done (though Elisef may be hard to convince if you are a Stromcloak).

It would be smaller than any other hold and it would have a distinctly military theme to it. The location of the capitol could be around the Thalmor fort in that area (I forget the name); after it is cleared of course. It could include a Dawnstar/Morthal/Falkreath style longhouse and village, possibly with docks and boats. Outlying villages would very small settlements around outpost towers. These outposts would have wooden walls and would primarily be supportted by fishing. To the interior there is room for a couple of small farms and along the main road to Solitude there would be another small outpost fort. There is also room for a lumber mill and plenty of mountain space for mining.

This way, no Jarls need to die... though some probably should (Maven!) It does not interfere with main or heavily used parts of Skyrim. It would not require a butt-load of scripting to change who owns what withing the hold, or the major changes needed to make the player Jarl of an existing hold. It is, essentially a blank slate waiting to be edited. However, I do not have any of the DLC's, so I do not know what Hearthfire, Dawnguard or Dragonborn do to this area.

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