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Trying to find ?this? Mod! Which is it?


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Hey everyone, thanks for taking a look

I had a modlist copy of skyrim SE installed for the longest time in which one of my favorite additions to the game were some added unique bosses to zones/cells..
I cannot find which mod it is, and google results they dont know either

All I can say, is that the mod added The Troll King boss to Ustengrav, and the Rat King boss to the whiterun Hall of the dead, with unique loot and coin also.. I believe it also added a merchant in the whiterun hall of the dead "Miller" A merchant who sells mind spiders..

If any of you may know which mod or mods add these bosses and such, please let me know

Thank you!

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If you think you downloaded it from the Nexus, there would be a record of it in your download history. This would at least reduce the pool of mods to examine. You can access your download history by selecting the Mods drop down menu at the top of any Nexus site page and selecting the Download History link. If you do this on a page associated with a game, it will only show mods for that game. Otherwise it will show all the mods you downloaded across all games.


Personally, I have not heard of such a mod.

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