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Skyrim Dremora Textures and likely other files


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Ok soo ive notice that after a patch (not sure which i haven't narrowed it down yet) the Dremora kind break and instead of looking like Dremora they look like slightly edited hornless Dark elves and sometimes a mix of your previous race and none of the Dremora mods Work after the patch either and the mods are ok not broken and no CTD and they work with a Fresh none patched install but i want to patch up to date and use the DLC *Bethesdas official content too while playing as a dremora but as for the previously mentioned bug i cannot use Dremora or any of the Dremora mods i do not know if it affects the Vanilla ones for the existing quests such as *Spoiler alert!!* the one in the mages guild where you conjure one or the quests like the one that deals with Mehrunes Dagon but i have noticed it affects the Vanilla and somehow *unless the mods are using the Vanilla Textures* Mods Character edit Textures and possibly/maybe other files associated with it. The Edi Character Console command is the only way i have been able to get my character to become the race since the mods are broken at the character edit screen and even using the console command is useless due to whatever bug makes them look like dark elves *Dunmer anyhelp would be appreciated Especially a Fix file
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