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Fighting necromancers?????


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Hey all, am a khajit 5 level atm, and playing master + erso difficult settings. I have to fight trough most quests like a hundred times before it works at this difficulty level,.. but i don't mind it's worth it ,-)))


One thing i really don't seem to NEVER beat are these necromancer wizards,.. like the quest for azura black star,.. it's impossible and i won't set diffuculty lower out of principle.


Any tips for fighting these,... as i just can't get by them,.. nearly impossible it seems. I have now 2 followers,... i conjure flame astronauchs,.. and stil can never kill them. Espessially there frost blows are super deadly, and anoying,.. they touch me and i fall instantly dead LOL.


Would love to have some good tips for battling these, tx.

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putting on a good pair of magic or frost resistance gear (obviously) a try shooting at them afar with a bunch of arrows that are tipped with drain magicka/damage magicka regen posion, then once their magicka is sufficiently low get up close to them and finish the job. or keep blasting them from afar if you wish.
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Not sure what ERSO does to difficulty...


But I managed clear out an entire cave of them, with increased spawns, as a two hand warrior. I started the game outside their cave because of the mod Random Alternate Start and Character Creation Overhaul. Took ages though. Just had to do massive damage when they were within reach, thin them out slowly and also run them around pillars.


The strategy I use to begin every game is to travel to Morthal swamp area ASAP and collect the canis root and swamp fungal pods. Gives you a significantly large amount of paralysis potions early on. Also from there you collect death bell and river betty (from the water, just look below where the dragon flies are). Poison your bow to hit them from afar then move in and there you go.


Also, I always choose to increase Health when I level for at least 10 levels. I find this is vitally important on Master difficulty to avoid being one shotted. Sometimes you get hit and the only way to survive is to quickly open inventory/favorites/hotkey for heal potions. Without boosting your health you dont have that extra split second to react and heal.

Edited by zyg0tic
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Not sure what ERSO does to difficulty...


But I managed clear out an entire cave of them, with increased spawns, as a two hand warrior. I started the game outside their cave because of the mod Random Alternate Start and Character Creation Overhaul. Took ages though. Just had to do massive damage when they were within reach, thin them out slowly and also run them around pillars.


The strategy I use to begin every game is to travel to Morthal swamp area ASAP and collect the canis root and swamp fungal pods. Gives you a significantly large amount of paralysis potions early on. Also from there you collect death bell and river betty (from the water, just look below where the dragon flies are). Poison your bow to hit them from afar then move in and there you go.


Also, I always choose to increase Health when I level for at least 10 levels. I find this is vitally important on Master difficulty to avoid being one shotted. Sometimes you get hit and the only way to survive is to quickly open inventory/favorites/hotkey for heal potions. Without boosting your health you dont have that extra split second to react and heal.


Yep i guess thats my main problem,... i am a khajit so i used first 6-7 levels to increase magica so i could conjure flame astronauchs,... wich is helpfull but yeah i do get 1 hitted ALL the time,.. very anoying.


Tx for the tips, will be def. be very usefull.

Not sure what ERSO does to difficulty...


But I managed clear out an entire cave of them, with increased spawns, as a two hand warrior. I started the game outside their cave because of the mod Random Alternate Start and Character Creation Overhaul. Took ages though. Just had to do massive damage when they were within reach, thin them out slowly and also run them around pillars.


The strategy I use to begin every game is to travel to Morthal swamp area ASAP and collect the canis root and swamp fungal pods. Gives you a significantly large amount of paralysis potions early on. Also from there you collect death bell and river betty (from the water, just look below where the dragon flies are). Poison your bow to hit them from afar then move in and there you go.


Also, I always choose to increase Health when I level for at least 10 levels. I find this is vitally important on Master difficulty to avoid being one shotted. Sometimes you get hit and the only way to survive is to quickly open inventory/favorites/hotkey for heal potions. Without boosting your health you dont have that extra split second to react and heal.


Yep i guess thats my main problem,... i am a khajit so i used first 6-7 levels to increase magica so i could conjure flame astronauchs,... wich is helpfull but yeah i do get 1 hitted ALL the time,.. very anoying.

Oh yeah and ERSO does make the game double as hard on master then vanilla,.. so def. way more difficult, but ultra rewarding when i do get things done.

Tx for the tips, will be def. be very usefull.

Edited by springplank
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Case in point:


After collecting ingredients around the Morthal swamp I next went to a certain Falmer cave to harvest copious amounts of mushrooms and chaurus eggs. Upon first entering the cave I was only level 2 or 3. First things I had to deal with were spiders, so no problem there. Next was the Falmers. Realised they were all a few levels higher than me. So had difficulty killing even one, and one of their arrow shots took out most of my health.


Used up all my heal potions so I decided I'd best leave the cave and go make some more. Along with some paralysis :)


Came back to Falmer cave (now level 5 because of alchemy skillups), paralyze the Falmer waiting for me at entrance, dual flamed him while he was down, no problems.

Edited by zyg0tic
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