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Force reload of face-gen data


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I have updated the "Face Gen" data of some custom NPCs and generated nif and dds asset files as per instructions in http://www.creationkit.com/Dark_Face_Bug. When I load a game where the mod in question has never been activated, the faces look as they should. On the other hand, when I load a save where the mod has been previously activated, the faces suffer from the dark face bug. I'm wondering if it is at all possible to force the NPCs to reload so that I can continue using the latest save. I have tried doing a "clean-save", but that does not help me get rid of the bug.


Would it be possible to fix this by simply renaming the plugin file to something else?

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I made an archive with all the assets and saved it under the same file name as the plugin with a .bsa extension. The faces behave as described in the original post. That is, they show correctly in new games and wrong in saves where the plugin has been previously loaded.
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@gsmanners: Thank you for the feedback.


I tried renaming the plugin as well, no change. Perhaps having those NPCs tied to a quest as aliases would affect whether "new" assets load or not? Any thoughts on that?


I'm not really interested in "debugging" that save because I'm already level 30 and OP there. However, if anyone has any useful information regarding how and when NPC assets are loaded and reloaded, I'd be interested in reading those comments.

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