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Trash Can Mod - Empty Chest Script?


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I ran across a few trash mods, but most of them were used while adventuring. I was thinking something a tad different. If it's been done, please feel free to point me to the mod or at least one super close.


Take your standard chest. When you hit 'E' to open it, you are presented with menu options. Option 1 - Open (acts normal). Option 2 - Empty. If Option 2 is picked, another menu opens. It just asks you to confirm. Clicking Yes will permanently remove all items stored in the chest from your game save. Clicking No will just take you back to the first initial options. There would need to be spacing or wording to prevent people from clicking twice in a row accidentally.


I like to get rid of some of the clutter in my houses, or sometimes I'm moving houses. I could use a standard chest to get rid of stuff real fast.


Just a thought I had moving everything in my house to a new house the other day.




Edited by joker1231978
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