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Well I just started playing Oblivion. (Coming from Skyrim after hearing ppl say Oblivion is also awesome). Anyways, I started the game and realised I didnt particularly like the models in Oblivion, So i turned to some of the mods here. Here is the List of mods I wanted to use.

1) Unofficial Oblivion Patch

2)Official Oblivion 12416 Patch 1_2_416 UK English

3)Oblivion mod manager -obmm 1_1_12 full installer

4)Custom Race Fix

5)Ren's beauty Pack


In the Plugins list in NMM, the order is

Oblivion.esm (Base i guess)


Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp

Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp

UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp

UOPS Additional Changes.esp


All installed with Nexus Mod Manager.

(Planning on installing HGEC Body mod also)


Still when i start the game and try to choose a race, I don't get the option of Ren's Models Or watnot. After Kaijith it just goes to The Nord class. Any Idea why I ain't getting them??

I assume its something basic as I'm absolutely new. I did use the search function also btw, but i found nothing. Also I'm not getting errors where I just see flying teeth or purple Hair and whatnot I found while searching. I basically don't get the Option to choose the Custom races itself. :/


Edit:- I don't think its a UAC errror as its installed in C:/Games/Oblivion etc.

Operating system is Windows 8. Though I really don't think that is what screwig things up either.

Edited by The0bserver
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There is no ESP from Ren's in your plugin list, that's why there is no trail of Ren's races in your ingame selection.


Maybe Ren's Beauty Pack is one of those dated mods which simply cannot be installed via NMM? Many Oblivion Mods are packaged in an uncommon way, and even most common structures cannot be read by the NMM, yet.

If Ren's Beauty Pack contains unusual sub-folders, optional installation features or anything like that, there goes your chance to install it properly via NMM.


Since lately the three main mod managers, Oblivion Mod Manager, Wrye Bash's BAIN and Nexus Mod Manager beta "expect" three different "mutually exclusive" folder structures. Mods packaged for the one cannot be read by the others and vice versa.

The only way that's always guaranteed to work seems to be installing manually.


I'll have to upload 3 package versions for all my mod packages due to this at one point rather sooner than later. I just don't have time to do any modding lately. Thus I was forced to remove the "download with manager" buttons from all but the absolutely basic mods I uploaded for the time being myself already.

Consider most of the Oblivion mods no longer managed by their creators these days and as such those buttons wrongly suggesting they could be installed via NMM simply could not be removed from them, yet. At least that's what I do.

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It's been a while since I messed with this, but as I remember there are several versions of rens mod. One called full, one just hairs, A Ren's Beautiful people combined, one called 'Four new races for Rens' and a few that are not by ren, but add other races using part of ren's code. Each one of these has an esp. some are compatible with each other and some are not.


I think the original that all of this is based off of is Rens Beauty Pack. Originally uploaded in May, 2006. But updated as recently as Aug 2011 http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/4431


Using that mod Here is how to get it to work. (Note: This is how we used to install all mods prior to NMM. :confused:)


Create a folder to put manually downloaded mods into. Download manually into that folder.


From the readme (included inside the zipped file)


2. Installation and Playing




To install the plugin, unzip the files into the "Oblivion" directory.

From the Oblivion Launcher, select Data Files. (Use NMM to select instead of the game launcher menu)


If you want to install only hairs,

check the box only next to '_Ren_BeautyPack_onlyhairs.esp' file.

If you want to install all,

check the box only next to '_Ren_BeautyPack_full.esp' file.


To start custom race, you need KyneTarse's 'Custom Race Fix' mod.



Note, the KT_CustomRaceFix was later incorporated into the unofficial Oblivion patch - so if you have that you don't need the KT version. - If you don't have either, there's a bug that will not allow you to get out of the jail cell at the beginning of the game.


My guess is you will want the 'complete' and not 'only hairs' version.


Using your unzipping program, unzip ONE only of the two included zipped files directly into the Oblivion folder and NOT the data folder. The unzipping program knows where to put each part based on how the author packaged the mod.


OR, you can open the zipped file using your unzipping program - you will find 2 folders and an esp file

Meshes (folder)

Textures (folder)



COPY (DO NOT MOVE) all three directly from the zipped folder into the Data folder of your Oblivion game. Use drag from the zipped folder to the data folder and the unzipping program should handle the actual copy. If you get asked about overwriting answer 'Yes to ALL' - they don't really overwrite, they append (add to) the existing files.


Whichever method, the new esp Should appear in the NMM list for you to activate it the next time you start NMM. :thumbsup:



If you don't have an unzipping program, 7-zip is available FREE (With no nag screens, and no sneak tool bars or unwanted junk) on The Nexus - in the Oblivion downloads section. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/15579


Here is a longer explanation on manual downloading & installing from my blog


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Thanks a lot guys. really helped. (Its working fine now.) :D


Just a random question, but is there perhaps a list of mods that work right from the get-go using NMM?


Thanks again. :D


Also since original problem has been fixed, thread maybe closed. :)

Edited by The0bserver
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Answer to random question - no.

We have over 25,000 Oblivion mods. Most made prior to NMM. Would you like to spend the next year or so going through them to see if they download and install properly with NMM? :tongue:


Most will work though. It's only those like this that have multiple esp files or special install requirements. :thumbsup:

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Answer to random question - no.

We have over 25,000 Oblivion mods. Most made prior to NMM. Would you like to spend the next year or so going through them to see if they download and install properly with NMM? :tongue:


Most will work though. It's only those like this that have multiple esp files or special install requirements. :thumbsup:


I really think that NMM install should be disabled by default on mods uploaded before it came out.

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Answer to random question - no.

We have over 25,000 Oblivion mods. Most made prior to NMM. Would you like to spend the next year or so going through them to see if they download and install properly with NMM? :tongue:


Most will work though. It's only those like this that have multiple esp files or special install requirements. :thumbsup:


I really think that NMM install should be disabled by default on mods uploaded before it came out.


I agree, and would go one further. That is to say that a mod author should have to enable NMM download/install by default. That way, incompatibility -- which *is* an issue with NMM -- would be avoided. I think it is wrong to have people believing (because they do) that any mod with a NMM button can be installed that way. Bad move.

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