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LOD gets cut off for no reason

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Good evening everybody!


I was just messing around with a little custom worldspace when I ran into a problem:


While trying to export a "map" for the worldspace with FO4Edit I noticed that the LOD seems to get "cut off" at some point.




Thre is nothing special about that section that is cut off, just regular landscape ...



I don't know what is going on here / what I could do about this ...

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When I go to the "cut off" area in the gam, the cells get "loaded" one by one and there is no LOD anymore.

In the middle of this island is a little mountain. When I stand on top of it, I can't see the "cut off" LOD areas. The landscape just stopps there. (LOD only of course, when I actually go there, the landscape works)

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Oh no. This is bringing back bad memories. My old worldspace suffered exactly from the same problem - which is one of the reasons why I started all over. I asked around, even one of the creators of xLODgen, but nobody knew for sure what was going on. Some people recommended to convert the esp into an esm(which I never tested unfortunately), while others assumed that it could be the commonwealth.LOD file(which I just renamed to myworldspace.LOD) and that I should try to create my own lod settings file. Unfortunately, again, I didn't try this because I didn't even know how to generate the file back then. I was thinking about that it could have something to do with custom made LOD meshes by bethesda that are placed at the exact same position and overwrite any auto generated LOD meshes. In any case, I really hope that we can get to the bottom of this because I'm in fear that this might happen to me again.


See the screenshots below to witness my downfall.


Incorrect LOD



Correct LOD


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Please tell me that I don't have to redo everything ...

It doesn't seem like much from the scrrenshot because you can't actually see the "elevations" but I did all of that by hand because I couldn't figure out the whole "heightmap import" thing.

(I mean I got it to work, but I had a weird bug where walking / sprinting didn't really work ... )


I have lots of time, but no time to waste :laugh:

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I would just try to test everything possible to get rid off this bs(on a backup file ofc). There must be something that causes this. In my old worldspace the part where the LOD was cut off was a perfect rectangle, which is pretty suspecious. I haven't checked the same coordinates in my new worldspace - which could be an indicator that the lod settings file is causing this - but I'll probably do that later on since I planned on releasing my old worldspace as a modding resource anyways(for ambitious people who can get rid off the bug, lol).


Hearing you speaking of the sprinting bug sounds like something from ancient times. I've never ever encountered this bug and all I can tell you is that the heightmap import makes things way way easier. Which is actually reason number 2 why I started all over, because I wasn't satisfied with the heighmap anymore, altough I sculptured some pretty impressive mountains and it was looking good overall, but it all comes down to your taste in the end and I increased my expectations by then. Either way, I would definitely encourage you to save your worldspace. Losing the work of >1 year is definitely a stab in the heart.

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I just deleted all of the LOD stuff from the that mod and generated completely new LOD and now it seems like everything works (at least in FO4Edit).




It also works in the game!


Everything is fine (for now ...)

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I assume you generated LOD via xLODgen, right? I really hope that that's what caused your error. xLODgen just f*#@s up sometimes when generating stuff - don't know what's causing this. So it's always best to make sure to generate everything again. The error for my older worldspace seems to go deeper though, as it persists even after generating all the files again. Between, I've uploaded my old worldspace as a modding resource, so if you want to see what the error looks like ingame you can take a look at it after generating LOD for it.

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