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Mod list kills game


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Hello there


I've installed about 60 mods and until today my game worked fine. But now I installed three new ones (I think it was an update of Warzones oder maybe it was Underground Bathohouse or Better MessageBoxControls or something. I don't know anymore, sorry) and after that my game keeps crashing after starting even after deactivating all new mods from the last 2 weeks.


So I don't know what to do. Is there any tool out there that can find any incompabilities or show me at least a f***ing error-log? Those chrashs really get on my nerves and I can't figure out what the problem is. So I need your help here :-/

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First thing:

Did you do anything with the game before installing that mod or slightly after that mod - i.e: Updating Skyrim?


Non the less, I need to ask whether you have a system restore point before installing that mod and hopefully not an ancient one. ;) If you are willing to restore your system, I think that might fix the problem, If you are willing to try; please post your results here.


-Hope this works, and good luck.

The DovahChicken

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Yes, I'm using BOSS but it says only minor errors (somethin about "Bash Tag suggestion(s)")


And no, I didn't make any changes to my game.

My last system restore point is about 2 months old :-/

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If you're running mods that alter Leveled Lists (the ones BOSS is suggesting tags for) besides the Unofficial Patches, you should definitely grab Wrye Bash and make a Bashed Patch as BOSS suggests.
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If you're running mods that alter Leveled Lists (the ones BOSS is suggesting tags for) besides the Unofficial Patches, you should definitely grab Wrye Bash and make a Bashed Patch as BOSS suggests.


Doesn't Wyre Bash have limited capabilities in bashing? I remember that certain mods that modify actor's, and several other things could not be bashed, but small mods that added little things or had few changes could be bashed?


Though talking of bashed patches, There is TesvSnip which can merge mods together although I do not know if it can add them to the leveled lists.

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All Wrye Bash handles for Skyrim right now is bashing leveled lists. Honestly, this is one of the most crucial categories of things to be bashed as far as stability goes. It can still bash whole mods that are completely unrelated together (which is what Snip is capable of only in a more permanent, more time consuming manner). There's a team of people working on dumping and decoding plugins to get the necessary information for Bash to be able to handle merging conflicting records besides leveled lists).


Don't use TESVSnip for anything right now. It creates corrupt plugins. If you know what you're doing it is possible to make manually merged plugins in TES5Edit (For non-conflicting plugins it's easier and safer to just incorporate them into your Bashed Patch).

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