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The Imperial Forces


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Its been 3 months since I left the Imperial forces.

They have kept coming non-stop.

Although I suppose we didn't leave on the best of notes.....


I had been working for the Forces for nearly 5 years, as their Imperial Assassin.

I had killed on account of up to 500 people each year.

I had to try and kill them in the most silent way, but it came the day where I found it all got to be the same routine. Take names, find them, kill them, leave.

I decided to leave the Force but the Commander decided I couldn't because I knew to many secrets.


During that entire night, I lay on my bed thinking of a way out.

Then in came to me. I dreamt about how I was going to get out while sleeping and the one idea sounded the best.


That morning as I began my duties, I watched as the commander left to take patrol around the city.

Instead of going to kill Ratheria, the name I had been given on account of theft of the highest order, I followed the commander.


As I followed him I stood on top of buildings staying out of sight, staying in the shadows.

I watched as he approached civilians asking them if they had seen anything suspicious.

One reported a bandit camp, not far from the city walls.


The commander left the city, me following close behind out of sight.

As we reached the bandit camp, he got in to a brawl with the bandits.

The commander was lethal with a blade, but weak against a stealth attack.

As I pulled my bow out, I readied one of the poison arrows that the Force supplied me with to carry out my duties.

As I readied the bow and arrow, a bandit struck the commander knocking him off his feet.


As the commander got back to his feet, he thrust his blade through the stomach of the bandit, causing the acid from his stomach to pour on to his blade.

This was my chance.

I released the arrow. It flew through the air like a swift Eagle catching its prey.

It was about to strike, any second I was about to become the assassin of the most respected Imperial.


Suddenly the commander swung around catching the arrow between his hands.

He spotted me in the distance. As I ran, he followed.

I stumbled on a branch that had fallen of the tree that loomed over my now still body.

As the commander reached me, he pulled a small blade out of his belt.


He stabbed the blade in to my thigh, instantly stopping all movement in my body and any movement that would have happened.

He had paralysed my body, causing me to cease movement.

As he opened his mouth, his two canines grew larger and longer.

I had been working for a vampire all this time. No one in the Force knew or at least they did but were to afraid to tell anyone.


As he bit my numb neck, I could feel the blood being drained my from body.

After he had done feeding, he left me for dead, food for the wolves.

The paralysis wore off after about an hour, I knew I had to seek shelter quickly.


Which brings me to where I am now, hidden from civilisation in this cave.

Feeding on animals that come close to the cave.

For a treat I may feed on an Imperial as they patrol the city.

Maybe I might move back to the city one day, and hunt down the Commander and finish the job.

Although until that day, I must feast on the blood of any who come near me, as I seek a cure for the deadly disease.

If you only take one thing from this tale then take this.

Always watch the shadows.

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