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two buiss ideas.


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hey guys,i have a great idea for some work modes.


run your own vault:

in this cold nucleor existence there are lots of people looking for a cushy vault to estblish there lifes in it and francly,when i got this game,i thougth the vaults where going to be underground cities but i was wrong.now when i gave this idea the title "run your own vault" i meant actualy running it as overseer.you charge taxes. get security,handle thugs like the tunnel snakes,build a camuntnity(bad english sorry)that will shift acording on the players mangement actions and will change and evolve like the kvatch mod in oblivion.


terraforming company:

now this idea is more complex and will involve the waistland changing.as the name suggess,the player will start his own terraforming company that will rebuild life in the wastes.you will rebuild towns,terraform lands from rubbish to pure utopia by making it all better.you will greenafiy lands,purafy water,rebuild citys and again the world will shift towards your actions.along the way the brotherhood of steel,the enclave and other orgenizations will help you.more radio station will arrect,new music will be added,dialuge changed for the new exsitence,people will where prewar clothes,money will change from caps to well... money!!!! and more ideas will be invented by you.







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Greetings modders, I believe that I have a great set of ideas for fallout3!


Run your own vault:


In this cold nuclear existence there are lots of people looking for a cushy vault to establish their lives in, so I had assumed that when i got this game the vaults where going to be underground cities.


However... I was wrong.


When I say the title "run your own vault" I actually mean the player running it as overseer!


You can charge taxes, hire security, handle thugs (like the tunnel snakes), and generally build a thriving community that will shift according on the players management actions. One mod that has done this in the past was the Kvatch Rebuilt mod for Oblivion


Another idea: running a terraforming company


This idea is more complex and will involve the wasteland changing substantially.


As the name suggests, the player can start his own terraforming company that will rebuild life in the wastes. You can rebuild towns, greenify and replant lands, purify water, all based on your actions.


Along the way organizations like the brotherhood of steel, the enclave, and other importaint organizations will help (or hinder) you.


We would need more radio stations, new music, duologue for npcs and the radio stations (related to the changes).


You could even possibly convince people to wear prewar clothes, and establish a new monetary system like in FO2 or FOT.


The things possible in this may be endless, but they will be invented by you!



There have been many creative mods for Oblivion so far, and I am looking forward to the same or better creativity being used in Fallout 3!

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ur ideas are nice but u must remember the fact that there is no SDK out right now and the guys can still put in wat we have with the weapons and so forth is an incredible job, once we get the SDK then big projects such that u have mentioned will come to light, i sad it before and i'll say it again we have been spoiled with the mods that the modders have produced with oblivion that ppl expect the same things the moment FO3 is released
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Not that your ideas are bad, I just don't like the idea of turning Fallout 3 into "Sim Vault" or having a mod that's basically about turning the wasteland into the pre-war world. The wasteland is probably the one biggest thing that makes this series of games so special. I wouldn't mind if the mods were made, but I wouldn't download them, and you'd be lucky to find enough modders who'd be willing to invest their time and energy in them.
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  • 2 weeks later...

seems an extremely odd idea, but a good one. I would rather fancy any sort of management based game on top of everything else. like spending loads and loads of cash to get certain shops and stuff. would have to find some sort of building in which to start your empire and rule from. Spend cash on cleaning it out and scout out places to scavenge research equipment from to research new shops and robot defenders. On that note, when you kill a robot in the field, maybe one of the research team would give you beacons or something so that when you kill a robot, you transfur a becon to the corpse so that a team of salvagers can come and pick it up and repair it back at your town. So many ideas for it but more and more are making it more complex mod


The best games IMO are crossover games, such as Dungeon keeper, part base management, part First person fighter. Mace griffon Bounty hunter, part FPS, part free space flight sim. Grand theft auto, part 3rd person shooter, part flight sim, part racing part...well...everything, you get the idea.

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