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New Humble Bundle, Contains 2 Games on the Nexus


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So this time we have both Dungeon Defenders (+DLC) and Legend of Grimrock on the humble bundle!

also included are; The Binding of Isaac (and its DLC, Wrath of the Lamb), Closure, Shank 2, Snapshot, and Indie Game: The Movie!


Get it while its hot guys only 14 day's 7 hours left!


(to nexus staff, might be worth posting articles in the respective nexus's news streams :) )

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already have DD and the LoG didnt look very interesting to me. idk how old it is, but it looks very old :P


If those are the only 2 games of the bundle that you have no interest in then you can just pledge $1 and get all of the others. DD and LoG are only included if you beat the average.

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haha i thought the other games were like DLC of those two. i didnt click the link, just read ur post. i havent heard of any of the other games, so idk. ill take a look though


EDIT: just as i thought, they are all side scrollers. im all for supporting Indy games, but why do they always have to be side scrollers haha? i have no interest in the least to play one, idc how good it may be. side scrollers just arent fun to me :P

Edited by hoofhearted4
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already have DD and the LoG didnt look very interesting to me. idk how old it is, but it looks very old :P

It just looks old. It's trying to bring back some of the feeling of early 1st person RPG games, like Ravenloft, Ultima:Underworld, and the like, but brings with it modern advancements like 3d graphics and quicker action and puzzle solving. It also comes with modding tools and I believe a map editor, which would allow you to make your own areas to share and explore.


Regarding the other games, Binding of Issac is probably the one with the most promise. It's not a side scroller and is the sort of game which is based on lots and lots or replaying in order to unlock everything and get levels which don't screw you over right away.

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already have DD and the LoG didnt look very interesting to me. idk how old it is, but it looks very old :P

It just looks old. It's trying to bring back some of the feeling of early 1st person RPG games, like Ravenloft, Ultima:Underworld, and the like, but brings with it modern advancements like 3d graphics and quicker action and puzzle solving. It also comes with modding tools and I believe a map editor, which would allow you to make your own areas to share and explore.


Regarding the other games, Binding of Issac is probably the one with the most promise. It's not a side scroller and is the sort of game which is based on lots and lots or replaying in order to unlock everything and get levels which don't screw you over right away.


I've heard good things about the Binding of Isaac. A friend of mine picked up this bundle the other day, and has really been enjoying the Binding of Isaac. It's pretty short but it's apparently similar to a roguelike and requires multiple playthroughs to unlock all the items. Might just pick this one up on the steam winter sale, none of the other games in the bundle look interesting or good aside from Grimrock, and I already picked that one up on GOG months ago.

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