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Outline of character and weapon in first person


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The game looks amazing, but I get a wierd rippling line around my character when in first person in the water.


I am running several mods, but it does it without the mods on high and low settings.


notice at the bottom of the weapon and my arm have an annoying outline. How do I get rid of this?



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In fact, I just turned it off. It makes textures blurry anyways and I'm using High res everywhere, so I don't really need AA


I turned off the AA in the skyrimprefs file, to no avail unless there is another value other than iMultiSample=0 I need to change.


This happens only in the water in first person, but it is highly annoying.

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In fact, I just turned it off. It makes textures blurry anyways and I'm using High res everywhere, so I don't really need AA


I turned off the AA in the skyrimprefs file, to no avail unless there is another value other than iMultiSample=0 I need to change.


This happens only in the water in first person, but it is highly annoying.


I have determined through reinstalling skyrim from scratch and installing the mods after testing the game it is not the mods. I do not think it is AA either. (sigh) I also tried turning graphics down to nil and got new drivers. That greyish stuff is so annoying in the water... I wish I knew what caused it so I could turn it off.

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  • 2 months later...

I will try that solution, unfortunately I am unsure if it will work. It seems many others have had the same problem. Many are saying the only thing that may fix it is a mod. I am not sure if there is one that will fix it though.

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