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Setting up Guards and Crime Faction


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This doesn't seem like a topic that's discussed much around here, for it is only done for large projects.

I'm currently working on placing guards in my worldspace, they seem to work as far as I can see except for one thing: They will never attempt to arrest me.

I've set up my Crimefaction as following:




Playerfaction - Ally

LocalBandits - Enemy



Track Crime - True


I've marked:

Jail exterior marker (placed outside in the worldspace, links to prison cell in Interior)

Follower waiting marker

Stolen Goods Chest

Player Inventory Chest

Jail Outfit


Shared Crime Faction List - CrimeFactionsList

Attack on Sight - False

Arrest - True

I've set up other values than the default crime costs




Actor settings for guards:



Male Guards have MaleGuard voice type, Females have FemaleNord












AggroRadius - False






AI Packages










I've tested the setup this way:

Pickpocket and getting caught




  • Assault doesn't seem to give me a fine, but pick-pocketing and stealing does.
  • Npc's (Not 100% sure about the guards though) in the villages have the CrimeFaction: MyCrimeFaction; they do report crimes and fight back when stealing/pickpocketing
  • Guards remain hostile for a while, but after 1/2 or 1 day they returned to neutral
  • The Guards a few cells away have a different Actorbase, but all have the same settings as the rest, they do not attack on sight after I stole something from the nearby village.
  • Might be related: My guards become protective of their area at 18:00 till 20:00, I might have made a mistake with the Travel package that should run then. I've also tried getting arrested before or after this happens.
  • I have my entire jail set up and navmeshed and I've copied the scripts from SolitudeJail and changed them accordingly, I can't test this unless my guards behave properly.

Any help would be appreciated, I'll continue looking for mistakes or other things I've missed. I still need to figure out how to make sure the player has the option to sit out his punishment (use the bed) when in prison.

This is the tutorial I've been using to set up my jail and guards:




It appears that I forgot to set the Crimefaction for the guards too, but now I found the next problem: I can't choose the option to go to jail instead of paying the fine or fighting.

This is what happens:

I have a price on my head, guard comes close and says: You have commited crimes against Skyrim, I get to chose between the 3 options but the option 'Send me to jail' doesn't work. Instead I get thrown back to the start of the dialogue with the question: 'What did I do?' Only way to get out of the loop is fighting or paying the fine. The last option then teleports me outside the building which contains the jail, as I set it up.

Edited by Hellscreamy
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Some kind of dialogue issue. The rest looks about right. A lot of whether NPCs become hostile or menacing in some way depends on their mood. Another thing to note is that "assault" is Skyrim's "disorderly" charge (it's basically complete BS, most of the time). I don't know why they even bother with it.
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I don't really understand what you mean with their mood (if you meant the variable in the AI Data, I don't think it is even used in Skyrim).

I never had this issue with the other guards of skyrim so I don't think it is a bug.

I still haven't found any solutions for this problem, I can't find any other tutorials that show you how to set up guards so I'm pretty much in the blind here.


If anyone knows a mod that includes a custom jail and guards, I'd love to know the name so I can ask the author directly.

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I've seen friendly NPCs attack me (because a recent battle had put them in a bad mood). I just assumed it was standard, but it could be a bug. This happens without any mods.


I'm pretty sure what you're seeing is some kind of weird dialogue bug. Since 1.6, this is half the issues we've been seeing with bugged mods.

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