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Slof's khajiit retex problem!


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Well, i downloaded Slof's retex on khajiits that make them look more like a house tabby cat, and i loaded the textures but when i went to use it my Khajiits have the new head,feet,and hands but everything else is like a prune person :wallbash: ...the body is all wrinkled and like shriveled up....see if you can help


I currently use HGEC normal body...ps my male body works but the female doesn't

Hope you can help :thanks:

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Did you try ExnemEC version? Oh, and.... by default, Khajiit male and female share same foot texture. And, most of body replacers use foot texture for body texture. So, if you try texture replacer, unless you don't use male body replacer or you use body replacer with plugin(for pointing texture file other than footmale.dds), your female body can be messed up surely.
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Did you try ExnemEC version? Oh, and.... by default, Khajiit male and female share same foot texture. And, most of body replacers use foot texture for body texture. So, if you try texture replacer, unless you don't use male body replacer or you use body replacer with plugin(for pointing texture file other than footmale.dds), your female body can be messed up surely.


Well if i understand you right, all the files say upperbodyfemale.dds [etc] not male yet the body still turns out wrinkled and even weirder its human[which i didnt say earlier]instead of khajiit body. :blink:


Plus the person who i got refered to also uses HGEC body too.

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upperbodyfemale.dds is for vanilla female upper body. As I said, most of body replacers, including HGEC, use foot texture for wrapping whole body(minus head, sometimes hands). She included extra body textures for Exnem EyeCandy, Fantasy Figure, and Robert's body replacers. So, make sure you installed ExnemEC texture if you use HGEC, since their UV mappings are similar.
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upperbodyfemale.dds is for vanilla female upper body. As I said, most of body replacers, including HGEC, use foot texture for wrapping whole body(minus head, sometimes hands). She included extra body textures for Exnem EyeCandy, Fantasy Figure, and Robert's body replacers. So, make sure you installed ExnemEC texture if you use HGEC, since their UV mappings are similar.


Ok i think i have my problem then, the only new textures in the exnem folder is feet and hands, was there supposed to be a body one? and where can i find it? :thumbsup:

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upperbodyfemale.dds is for vanilla female upper body. As I said, most of body replacers, including HGEC, use foot texture for wrapping whole body(minus head, sometimes hands). She included extra body textures for Exnem EyeCandy, Fantasy Figure, and Robert's body replacers. So, make sure you installed ExnemEC texture if you use HGEC, since their UV mappings are similar.


Ok i think i have my problem then, the only new textures in the exnem folder is feet and hands, was there supposed to be a body one? and where can i find it? :thumbsup:


The foot texture is for body. If you don't get it, install a viewer like WTV, or Irfanview(with plugin pack), then look at the texture.

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