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Console Command for "Fixed Camera"


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Is there a console command to fix the camera somewhere? While I still control my character...





On a related topic,



Does anyone know how to change the position of the camera relative to the player?


Let's say I want to record a video, fixed on the feet of my character. The camera will follow my character, but only focusing on her feet. Is it possible?


Please notice I'm making 2 different questions:


1) A fixed camera.

2) An alternative position to the following camera.



I'd appreciate any kind of help. Thanks in advance.

Edited by Sucrilhus
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Yoo Yoo!


This is an answer to question 2


Think this mod will do the trick,




1st Person Camera Height Change - T3nd0s Skyrim Redone Compatible by Sevroth




and it comes with a tutoriel on how to make a custom size of your own in it :thumbsup:



i have been searching the net for console commands for Q1, but havent found any yet

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TFC for: toggle free camera + «1» to freeze except the camera

+ this to adjust your camera speed , found here(C/F) or (C/F)

sucsm X (change speed of camera movement, where X is a value between 0 and 10000)

tfc sucsm 50



Edited by korun
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Oh nice mod!


And God..... hahahahahah I can't believe I didn't think of using "sucsm 0". ... Just yesterday someone told me about this command to slow the movement of the camera :facepalm:


Thanks a lot, you both, for helping !




Sadly that mod isn't what I was looking for. The mod offers pre-set 1st person camera heights =/. I was looking for a mod with configurable 3rd person camera heights. But I guess this is too specific...


I still appreciated a lot the help. Thanks.

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Does anyone know how to change the position of the camera relative to the player?

There are settings in skyrim.ini for camera position you could play with. You'd have to restart the game each time you change the settings though.





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Thanks Carl!


On a related topic... I've just found out this mod here:




Though it doesn't allow you to adjust the "Z" position of the camera... it permits you to rotate the camera in anyway you wish while playing on 3rd person...


It's a really good mod. The only down side is that it requires Dragon Script.


I'll endorse as soon as I can.

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