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Mod overload


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hello everyone,


i had to reboot my computer recently (windows :rolleyes: ) and my skyrim was along with everything else uninstalled.

But i installed skyrim again today, downloaded the nmm and about 25 mods.

So my problem now is, that after installing the mods, my skyrim either crashed (ctd) after 1-2 minutes, or didnt start at all.

I tried not to use heavy gameplay changing mods and graphic mods like skyrim 2k-hd, but i was only able to play normal, when i didnt used any mods at all.

THe strange thing is, that i played skyrim before with like 200 mods, and it worked just perfectly.

I also have the new patch and dawnguard, but i dont think that is important.

so please people, if you have any idea on what to do, please tell me, i desperatly want to play skyrim but saving every 30 sec is driving me crazy :psyduck:

thanks in advance


Finger :ohdear:

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sometimes, meaning all the time :D, if you DL mods then start with 30 or more...or less mods a brand new Skyrim it leads you to a cool CTD, because your load order is just bad


so use Boss, Wrye bash, it will help you to optimize your LO, you will be surprise


oh, and if you were running 200 mods before, Skyrim HD 2k will not be that big for your system, try the lite version for exemple.



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no i dont think so

oh!? i do :)

ok! i'm not using Wrye Bash to DL my mods, just for the Bashed patch and check my saves, i install most of them manually, the other with ...NMM :) before i was using NMM + Boss only ...;)


but i didn't say "you must use it" just said it help, go for Boss only, it's not 100% sure it's a soft :P, but since i'm using it, i've never ever had a ctd



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did you run Boss? if you do, it help to organized your load order by priority, you must have a log pop up which shows how it is now.

if not , humm.. good for you anyway.:) you may be have a script un-loaded, Skyrim is a bit complicated :P


i'm running boss each time i'm activating a new mod or re-activating one



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