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beginners question about Sream apps vs, steam apps


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Steam not Sream ;)



While tracing file pathways I found a file folder of a mod I had thought I had deleted by using NMM as well as what appears to be other mods folders. It was in " Steam/Steam Apps/common/Skyrim/Data". Most everything else I have downloaded winds up in Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim/Data. First...why are there two pathways that seem the same but for a space and one capital letter? Second.... what files are supposed to be in "Steam Apps" as compared to "steamapps"? Third....how can I determine what files are original to "Steam Apps" and which ones have washed up there by fault of man and/or machine?

Edited by Shubal
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As far as i am aware, there should not be a "Steam Apps" folder. It should all be one word - steamapps (Capitals and lowercase make no difference). Is it just Skyrim in that folder? If not could you provide a list of directories?


I have discovered the error of my ways. At one point while downloading I was asked for a path and I foolishly created the Steam Apps path out of noob ignorance. Yeah, I'm an idiot ;)

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