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Skyrim worked... Temporarily.


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Skyrim worked with my old video card: GT 520. My new video card: GTS 250. (got it from a friend, skyrim worked fine for him) First launch of skyrim with new card, works just fine. get out of the starting cave, computer shuts off.

After my computer shut down, skyrim refuses to pass the bethesda logo. looked at all of the fixes here and none worked. NOTE: Skyrim just crashes at bethesda logo now, not a sound issue, computer doesnt shut down. Any fixes? Would getting a new PSU help? I have a 460 watt PSU. Any input would be nice.

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When you change video cards you will need to regenerate your Skyrim.ini & SkyrimPrefs.ini These are based on your hardware.


Do NOT change the ini files in the game folder - Instead, go to the folder where your saves are - usually c:\users\Your user name\My Documents\My Games\Skyrim


Delete the Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini folders there. The next time you start the game, they will be rebuilt based on your hardware.


If you have tweaked them you will have to do it over. If you have ever changed anything in the ini files in your game folder - you will have to get a replacement from Steam for this to work. https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335


The best tweaking guide available is here. http://www.tweakguides.com/ If you want to tweak anything - game - video card, Operating system - this is the place to go

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