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Skyrim flashing blue


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So i got my new desktop today,

the specs are

i7 3.4ghz

8gb ram

2gb gigabtye OC 660ti


I have around 100 mods installed, and they have run perfectly beforehand, but now when playing the screen randomly flashes blue. I can still see the game and play without fps drops, but its like a blue overlay has been put over the screen. Any ideas as to how to fix?

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I too have this problem, for some reason i'm noticing that it happens more when a lightning spell goes off. hmmmmm and with weapons as well. never happened until last night. HELP!! :psyduck:


btw I have a evga 670.

Edited by Manifatt
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I too have this problem, for some reason i'm noticing that it happens more when a lightning spell goes off. hmmmmm and with weapons as well. never happened until last night. HELP!! :psyduck:


btw I have a evga 670.



im on the new 310 drivers, are you as well? i have a funny feeling it could be those

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