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How to get the name of a spell target?


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I'm making a spell to get information on the target. So far I have aggression which works and I'd also like to add the target's name. It seems like it should be easy but I haven't found it and I see using string variables is a feature of obse so maybe it's not so easy. This works:


ScriptName 1ccInformationScr

Ref Target
Short Aggression

Begin ScriptEffectStart

Set Target to GetSelf
Set Aggression to Target.GetActorValue Aggression

Message "Aggression: %.0f" Aggression



There doesn't seem to be a %s for a string or a target.name for the variable so I better ask the pro's.



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Hmm, were you to use OBSE, there'd be the MessageEX function and the "%n" placeholder instead,

or the GetName function directly even.


I'm still searching for a way to do it without OBSE though. It's such a simple thing, and it's done internally in topics, too. Though I'm sure that's an entirely different framework there.

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Great! Thanks a lot for the quick reply. Just knowing that I'm not missing the easiest thing in the world is worth a lot. I'm not totally against using obse and the name isn't near as important as the aggression. It's just something that would be cool. I'm trying for the best solution to eliminate the rare but very inconvenient times when you kill the one person that you weren't supposed to kill. Also, occasionally you realize you've just slaughtered a dozen harmless creatures. This is a problem when you prefer ranged attacks and not getting a scratch yourself. You can either wait until being attacked first which is rough on companions, beef up companions and let them do all the fighting, or use the console to check aggression. I think this spell with possibly just the aggression will a good way to go. The only reason to not use obse is if other people think this would be useful. I have no idea on that. I think it's just the same name you see when the crosshair is over the npc or creature so it seems like there must be a way.



Edit: It works great with obse. The fact that obse has added MessageEx makes me think there isn't an easy way without it. If I ever decide this is so wonderful the world won't survive without it I'll just put up two versions.




Edited by chambcra
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With Vilja?? Way back when I used her I recall some stuff from either the Companion Vilja comments or perhaps Emma's website but the details escape me. If memory serves I suggested to give her that single iron arrow you see in any vanilla archer's inventory but I don't know if that idea was ever implemented. My current character doesn't have Vilja in his load order.


It's not a problem specific to Vilja though ... I still see vanilla archers who have plenty of arrows in their inventory shooting nothing. It could be related to some of the mods I have ... NPCs Yield Refined would be first in my list of suspects if I was going to look into it. That's not likely to happen as it is an infrequent occurance and even if NPCs Yield Refined did turn out to be the culprit I'm still going to use the mod (i.e. a whole bunch of troubleshooting for zero return other than going OK so that's why).


The floating horse is common to the Legion riders and couriers as well ... again something that happens infrequently (same as NPCs swimming in the air).


Magic is part of the game after all.

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Okay, thanks. I'll keep that in mind. I didn't know any other characters had the floating horse problem. I'll check that out. I've never seen other archers dry firing but I've seen it reported enough so it's probably not your mods and like you say, not worth the trouble.


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