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Who can make the longest sentence


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Who can make the longest sentence?




Must make sense!

Can not contain full stops, exclamation marks or question marks except at the end of your sentence

Can be about anything THATS NOT RUDE!

Words used must be real

A limit of four adjectives (describing words) per word




1 point for every word (no matter how small)


Add up your points at the end of your sentence.




The really lazy boring vulture waddled very slowly across the busy suburban New york street.


Thats 15 points.



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I am way too lazy than your really lazy boring vulture that waddled very slowly across the busy suburban New York street, so I pressed Control Key and C and then the Control Key and V after selecting your sentence.


How's that ? 41 points :biggrin:


Tell me if I broke the rules :sweat:

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Is any of the really very nice people here on the completely 100% awesome nexus forums going to honor me by posting on my humble little thread and try to beat me in the sheer amount of words I can cram into one single very long sentence thats very nearly finished.


51 words! I'm the ranking champion

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I would not be so sure about you being the champion since one of my biggest skills is to craft extremely long sentences that probably will not make any sense due to their length but also due to the fact that at one point I could not be bothered enough to type in dots and split my sentences to smaller parts which I did get bored of later and decided to finally start finishing up my sentences before they ended up being a page long but since you decided to make this into a contest I want to score over a hundred points which should not cause too much trouble considering how good I used to be and still am at things like this.


121 points, on this scale this still wouldn't beat my best score but it'll do. Do I get a cookie now?:P

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oh my god Elraine you are definitely very skilled at making long sentences filled with words or should I say extremely skilled at making very long sentences but it doesn't matter what I say just what I write since I really need to write more than you but its proving much harder than I though but anyone with enough persistence could beat you provided they write for long enough with-ought stopping at all simply to make sure they win a stupid contest on the nexus forums which I haven't won yet because I have to beat 121 words which is quite a lot when you really think about it but thinking hard when your trying desperately to write a very long sentence that still makes sense to everyone else even though it hasn't got a single full stop in it yet and instead just has the continuos rambling of a person so desperate to win they are willing to write one sentence with over 121 words in it come to think of it I wonder if I'm over yet and by now I doubt I'm making any sense.


183 words, It makes absolutely no sense though

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It looks like you are very talented at crafting long and unending sentences but I do think that you should use at least some "," ,so we could actually take a little break and catch some fresh air and then continue reading the sentences that are so hard to remember and also to read since they are extremely long and they do not contain any periods or anything that look like a small and neat period like the one i am going to use at the end of this sentence which is now pretty big because i have started writing it for about five or six or seven or eight or perhaps ten long minutes that are passing quite fast since the planet Earth also known as Terra or the blue planet since it contains about seventy percents of water which is quite black sometimes ,especially when it is night except the water from the north pole(156) because at the North pole are auroras that are very colorful and look amazing when it is night and the water from the north pole is not black anymore because its blackness is affected by auroras and because the light reflects better in an icy (200) environment because the ice it is like a glass and glass can be like a mirror after several chemical processes that involve sand and several other substances and of course high temperatures that are bigger than the temperatures in Hawai and smaller than the temperatures on the surface of the sun , the star that is the center of our solar system that contains the Moon ,a word used by the band Pink Floyd when they made the album called the Dark Side Of The Moon that was launched in 1973 and contains ten melodies that are pretty good in my opinion(301) which is not very important after all because I am just a human that wrote a pretty big sentence that is bigger that Elraines(325) and got the title of the ranking champion (333).


333 points for me :biggrin: I hope this is not considered spam because this would not be nice for me because i might get a warn for it.

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i'm not just this is appriopiate for me to make a long statement but everything makes sense if im start talking well in kinda wierd way i didn't know much of making sense nor even wasting a singgle bit of comment because making a long sentences is hard but yeah everyone got talent right so i try my best to create longer sentences then the previous person who create amazing sentences such as that i mean man look at that i cant beat the sentences but im pretty sure if i can do something about this one you know i admit sometimes i am pretty bad in grammar but hear this , can i talk about bombs well bombs in speaking of every way if bombs were thrown either on the ground actually explosion on the ground aint that powerfull including the explosion on the water because the radius blow on the water for example river or sea creates a very devastating wave that can kill you within short amount of range the way that you can survive the grenade that might explode on the water is you can swim if you fast enough you survive the explosion but its only last like fourty five seconds or fourty seconds something like that but bombs normal grenades but the bad thing you suffer a great loss of skin condition which you will get infected with hideous radiation that might kill you slowly, did you know Giving someone "the finger" is one of the basest violations in modern culture, but its origins date back over 2500 years The first written record of the insult occurred in ancient Greece, where the playwright Aristophanes (the Adam Sandler of his day) made a crude joke mixing up the middle finger and the penis Even back then, the bird was considered an aggressive, phallic put-dow Throughout the 20th century, the finger has penetrated all levels of society Roughhewn farmers did it, hippies did it, and even the Vice President of the United States got into the act At a campaign stop for Senator Bob Dole in 1976, Nelson Rockefeller was heckled by protesters telling him what they thought of his Vietnam war policy by casting their middle finger votes Never one to back down, Rocky just flipped it right back At the dawn of a new millennium, we can rest assured this once endangered bird is thriving Today it appears in films ("Titanic"), books (Elizabeth Wurtzel's "female dog"), school yards, and most recently, network television (on "NYPD Blue") Instead of shunning this "obscene" gesture, we must treasure its rich cultural heritage We are living in the Golden Age of The Finger Get used to it.


im not sure if i post a history of middle finger and the usage of bad radiation on grenades are qualify for this topic how many scores i got

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Do you really need to provoke me into games such as this because even if I am bored this does take an awful lot of time that I could spend doing things far more interesting like playing Oblivion but you simply had to do it so here I am typing out the longest sentence you will have ever seen even if it was the last thing I did which I doubt it will since my life is not at stake but oh god much much fun this is and will be once I finish since I can gloat all(100) over about how much longer sentences I can craft than anyone around and should by some weird fluke someone ever manage to type even a nearly as long sentence as this is going to be when I finish I will simply have to do it all over again and double the effort but for now I think I can continue to type casually and blabber on about anything I want like the music I have been listening lately although some might not my music taste which makes want to talk about something different like the games these forums revolve around on(200) and quite possibly the best choice in this case would be Oblivion due to the sheer amount of mods that have been made for it but I also expect fallout to gain a large modding community and tons of mods made relatively soon as the GECK will be released tomorrow and honestly saying I have already lost count on how many words I have written so far which means I will be forced to count all of this once I am going to finish this up for which I will blame you due to the fact that you provoked me when(300) you wanted to prove that you are better at this which is something I will personally never believe and I intend to prove it every single time you ever attempt to beat this record but seriously this is rather tiresome and I can not really understand why you want to spend your time proving that you can type longer sentences than I can without the use of foul language while mainting some sense in your sentence and I believe you have noticed how hard it can get but since I am rather skilled at this even if I have changed(400) the topic of discussion several times already I do not see any reason for me to stop other than saving you the headache of reading through all of this but I see no reason to do that as you are wasting so much of my time that I want to make sure you will not be breaking this record any time in the near future as I personally have better things to do than watch over this thread every minute even if I am extremely bored at the time which is partly your fault as I would love(500) nothing more than to be doing something else at this very moment even if I have no idea what that would be and if you have not already noticed I am changing the subject rather randomly as that makes it easier to craft insanely long sentences while it is still possible to maintain the text on a readable level without turning it into total gibberish and at this moment I am wondering to myself why did I even tell you about that but I can not be bothered to go back and remove that small block of text either as it does(600) add to the total length even if only by a little but even little can turn into much if the sentence crafter is skilled enough but I belive this sentence of mine is starting to be long enough to beat your attempts for a little while even if that should be for a couple of hours.


653 points. Had enough yet or want me to go for over a thousand? Now if I would have a lil' time to get to playing Oblivion...

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